Contacts alphabetically list last name first. Phonebook lists fir

  • Thread starter Alphabetization in Outlook''''s AddressB
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Alphabetization in Outlook''''s AddressB

In Outlook 2003, our Contacts folder correctly shows names alphabetically,
last name first, A-Z. For whatever reason, our phonebook shows names
alphabetically, first name first. How can one change the PB to show last
names first?

OE provides a toggle between first and last. If it's there in Outlook '03,
I cannot for the life of me find it.

Thanks for your help, whoever and where ever you may be. Merry Xmas! Mike

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You mean the Outlook Address Book?
Go to Tools > E-mail accounts > View or change existing directories or
address books > Outlook Address Book > Change. > Set your sort order there

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