Contact's "File As" field becomes blank after syncing - WM5, Outlook 2003 (Cache Mode)


Bob Oriol

Symptom: When viewing my contacts using MS Outlook 2003 (SP2) after syncing
my Veriszon XV6700 smartphone (WM5) with the exchange server directly, some
recently edited contacts are no longer sorted correctly and now appear at
the beginning of my contacts with the contact header blank. This only
happens when Outlook 2003 is running in cache mode! Further investigation
reveals that the "File As" becomes blank. It seems to happen more often when
I've filed a contact by company name. Also, if I just reference a contact
without editing it, but just hyper-link to have the phone call placed,
Windows Mobile ActiveSync believes the contact has changed, and destroys the
contact's "file as" field. I'm using a Verizon XV6700 smartphone running
Windows Mobile 5.0 (WM5). My smartphone is syncing over the air (OA) using
RPC-HTTP with SSL. Running Windows XP Pro (SP 2).

I've tried turning cache-mode off on Outlook 2003, deleting the
corresponding cache .ost file, and turning cache-mode back on--that doesn't

Any help is appreciated,
(e-mail address removed)

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