Contacts "File As" Sorting Question



Please help me figure out what I am overlooking. For this question
have created three records in a separate Contacts folder as shown:

For Record #1, the File As = AAA
I supplied Company = AAA

For Record #2, the File As = AAA House, Jones, Bill
I supplied Company = AAA House
I supplied Full Name = Bill Jones

For Record #3, the File As = AAA, Smith, Joe
I supplied Company = AAA
I supplied Full Name = Joe Smith

The sort for the card view is File As (ascending). The order I woul
expect is 1, 3, 2, since AAA House is a different company than AAA
Then, if I add a Full Name to Record #1 above, the AAA House recor
becomes first, followed by the two AAA records. Doesn't that see
opposite what you would expect

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Not enough information here, and what's here is unclear.
Are you manually overriding Outlook's default setting for the File As field?
What is that setting?
What Outlook version?
To what view are you referring?

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