contacts folder missing from personal folder



Hi all. I am using outlook 2003. However i could not see my contacts folder
under my personal folder. However when i click go->folder i could see the
contacts folder is under personal folder. Hence why can't i see contacts
folder under personal folder in navigation pane? Thks in advance.

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Because you are most likely using the wrong Navigation Pane. Try "Contacts"
or "Folder List," not "Mail"

Winnipeg Michael

Thanks so much Russ for helping out on this one.
I was about to make a post, found your reply, and now I have mine set up the
way I like it.
Good Job!


Russ Valentine said:
Because you are most likely using the wrong Navigation Pane. Try "Contacts"
or "Folder List," not "Mail"
Russ Valentine
inenewbl said:
Hi all. I am using outlook 2003. However i could not see my contacts
under my personal folder. However when i click go->folder i could see the
contacts folder is under personal folder. Hence why can't i see contacts
folder under personal folder in navigation pane? Thks in advance.

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