Contacts folder not exposing AddressEntries



I have a problem with a contacts folder not exposing its AddressEntries
to a VB6 COM Add-In (Outlook:, CDO: 1.2.1, Win2k).

The Add-In sends messages/documents to email/fax/SMS etc. For this to
happen, the user first selects specific contact items in a contacts
folder and then calls the AddIn. The add-in then maps the selected
contacts to its corresponding CDO AddressEntries (using an
AddressEntries filter and then checking the contact item ID versus the
AddressEntry ID).

However, in some cases, the contacts folder does not expose its
contacts as AddressEntries, which causes the above matching algorithm
to fail. I have checked that the contacts folders' properties that the
folder is shown as an email address book of the same name.

Here's a code snippet:

Dim list As MAPI.AddressList
Dim aeList As MAPI.AddressEntries
Set list = cdoSession.AddressLists("Contacts")
Set aeList = list.AddressEntries
mLog.log " CDO address entries " & aeList.Count

This code is already in production since about 2 years and worked fine
(aeList.Count > 0). However, recently, some users complained that they
can't select contacts anylonger when using the AddIn. I checked the
logs and aeList.Count is 0.

Since on most other machines it works I believe it must be an
Outlook/Exchange configuration, which I can't figure out.

If anyone has an idea or had similar problems, please reply.

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