Contacts in Outlook Address Book not consistently listed



My outlook 2007 address book lists names sometimes in Last, First order and
some in First, Last order. The default display is Last, First and the
properties of all names are showing up as Last, First BUT the Address Book
does not always list them that way. What to do?


Correction to posting:

To clarify- I see that the Address Book lists NAME as the first category
viewed. What i want is a list with LAST NAME, FIRST NAME. That appears as
the Display Name. how can I place that as the first category? Or, how can I
change the Name to Last, First. I have tried modifying the Tools, Acct
settings to set the sort but that doesn't work, either.

Russ Valentine

What sort order did you specify for the address book view? Outlook is simply
doing what you told it to.
If you don't know, look and see. Tell us.
Go to Tools > Account Settings > Address Book Tab > Outlook Address Book >
Change... >

Bernie ray

Having similar problem in Outlook 2007 - as an example using "Sean Jones"
In his Contact, info is listed as follows:
Full Name: Sean Jones
File As: Jones, Sean
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Email Display As: Sean Jones ([email protected])

We want the Contacts in the Contacts View to sort Last Name, then First
Name. We want the listings in the Address Book to sort First Name, then Last

The default setting for listings in the Address Book is First Name-Last
Name, but many listings in the address book are the opposite. How do I change
the ones that are Last-First in the Address Book?

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

Having similar problem in Outlook 2007 - as an example using "Sean Jones"
In his Contact, info is listed as follows:
Full Name: Sean Jones
File As: Jones, Sean
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Email Display As: Sean Jones ([email protected])

We want the Contacts in the Contacts View to sort Last Name, then First
Name. We want the listings in the Address Book to sort First Name, then Last

The default setting for listings in the Address Book is First Name-Last
Name, but many listings in the address book are the opposite. How do I
the ones that are Last-First in the Address Book?

Sounds like you entered some of the contacts incorrectly at some point if
they're showing mixed in the Address Book, perhaps by importing some or
synching from a handheld device.

In the "Name" field of its display, the Outlook Address Book service uses a
field that in the corresponding contact record is the "Subject" and it is that
value that will also display in the title bar of the contact record when you
open it. If you want the appearance consistent for everything you see in the
Address Book view, sel it to tbe the say you want it by clicking Tools>Account
Settings>Address Books in Outlook, then selecting the OUtlook Address Book
service, clicking Change and setting the display order. Stop and restart
Outlook. Now, open the Address Book view and see if any are not displayed
correctly. If so, open each individual contact that isn't correct, Locate the
area on the ribbon that will allow you to view all fields (I can't recall
where it is right now)

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

Sounds like you entered some of the contacts incorrectly at some point if
they're showing mixed in the Address Book, perhaps by importing some or
synching from a handheld device.

In the "Name" field of its display, the Outlook Address Book service uses a
field that in the corresponding contact record is the "Subject" and it is
that value that will also display in the title bar of the contact record
when you open it. If you want the appearance consistent for everything you
see in the Address Book view, sel it to tbe the say you want it by clicking
Tools>Account Settings>Address Books in Outlook, then selecting the OUtlook
Address Book service, clicking Change and setting the display order. Stop
and restart Outlook. Now, open the Address Book view and see if any are not
displayed correctly. If so, open each individual contact that isn't
correct, Locate the area on the ribbon that will allow you to view all
fields (I can't recall where it is right now)

Oops. click Send before I was finished.

After selecting the All Fields dialogue, choose the "All Mail Fields" view.
That's where you'll find the Subject field. Change it to be as you want.

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