Contacts -personal folders



Hello, I am, you guessed it, Frazzled! I have about 1.5 hours to get my
assignment done and there are two things I can't do and 1 significant problem
that has occured after I deleted a file I thought was empty.

1: I don't know how to import a file from my C drive in course technology
file into a new personal file I created in Contacts. Lets say the new file is
named Store. The file I need to import for class is located on C in course
documents which eventually gets us to cases1-2 contacts, which is the file
with the employee data for Store. Teacher can't seem to explain, doesn't
call, I can't call him and there is virtually no way I'm going to get this
done tonight without a miracle! HELP!

2. I don't know how to email the three files which are finished assignments
to him. How do you email a personal file from Outlook? For instance How would
I email the finished assignment which is a folder in outlook called Store
which incluedes the data I imported?

3. When I click on the main heading of either the personal file on the top
of the folder list or the personal file toward the bottom of the list, each
has a different picture beside it, I get an error message that says: An error
has occured in the script on this page. Then it gives: the line: 298 the
char 1 , access is denied, code 0, and URL: outlook://personal%20folders/

What's going on??

Karl Timmermans

First - determine what kind of file you are trying to import (hint - since
it's an assignment - should be dictated by file suffix (i.e. xxx.csv = CSV
or xxx.XLS = Excel).

The from Outlook menu bar - File --> Import/Export --> follow the
instructions on the sequence of windows that appear and whatever your
assignment instructions are in terms of fields to import etc which should be
obvious if not explicitly stated.


PS - in the event that your assignment has given you 1) an Excel file to
import, 2) you get an error message about a missing "named range" and 3)
you're not sure about "named ranges" - you can cheat by saving the Excel
worksheet as a CSV file and import that instead :).

Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"


Karl, the file is a .pst file. When I follow the instructions it gives me a
message the source and destination cannot be the same and then I get
Frazzled! I tried each file in every box on the wizzard and I cannot import
this file! Remember what the personal folders said when they were opened.
Please refer to the three questions in my post for details. I need answers to
all three questions. I have spent several hours on this stuff and I'm about
to quit the whole thing because the teacher is impossible to deal with. I
can't talk to him on the phone to resolve the issue. I feel cheated out of my
grade because I did the work and I could not do it nor send it to him. I will
look for details in your next response.


MzFrazle said:
Karl, the file is a .pst file. When I follow the instructions it gives me
message the source and destination cannot be the same and then I get
Frazzled! I tried each file in every box on the wizzard and I cannot
this file!

As posted on all the Outlook groups at LEAST once a day - importing a pst
file into another instance of Outlook is neither recommended nor necessary.
Copy it to your HDD, (do NOT overwrite any existing file). make sure the
Read-Only attribute is OFF. then in Outlook do File-Open-Outlook Data File
and navigate to where you put it. Then copy the data you require from that
file to the existing pst file.

Brian Tillman

MzFrazle said:
Karl, the file is a .pst file.

If your teacher gave you a PST to import, then clearly your teacher is not
as educated about Outlook as he or she should be.

Karl Timmermans

Something does not make sense at all with this. The primary red-flag
indicator being the message related to "source and destination cannot be the


#1 - You are using the wrong file as the file to import and/or...
#2 - You are mis-reading the requirements and/or....
#3 - There is something important in the assignment instructions you're
leaving out and/or....
#4 - Your assignment doesn't make sense

Even IF the assignment calls for importing from a PST file to a PST file,
those files should not be the same but I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Brian
that if that is the case, it's a real good sign that the value of the course
you're taking is questionable (while your assignment would teach you how to
import/export, the assignment would be absolutely assanine for real world
application). Having taught technology subjects at the college level in a
former life, have seen strange assignments given out by fellow profs but at
the same time, more often than not, assignment instructions are either not
understood or followed and to be honest, find it hard to believe that you're
being asked to "import data from the same PST file".

Rather than speculate and go back and forth - might be much easier to just
include the section of your assignment related to the "importing
requirement" - specifically, the instructions as to "what you have to
import" from "where" which include the file name specifications.


Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"


Gordon, I tried to access the information you say is posted once a day. I
searched before I asked the question. I'm sorry if I did not get it, however,
I did get some hands on help today and was able to understand how to import
and export files and how to attach files to email and email them to my
Professor. The way you have outlined is another way to do it, but I was shown
to use the desk top, which worked quite well because it was easy to find and
easy to attach to the email.

The big question now is, what about those messages I'm getting when I try to
open my personal files (Noted in my first post) I deleted some personal files
that were empty and didn't realize until later that they may have been
important. Now I don't know if they were. I reinstalled the office 2003
upgrade and this problem was not fixed so I am guessing it may be something
else. Perhaps you have heard of this happening and can help me fix this
myself with some advanced moves. Thanks for your help.


Well, OK, but how is he uneducated about outlook? Why is this incorrect? How
do you do it correctly? Your comment is possibly right, but you offered no
solutions. I really didn't need to know my teacher's shortcomings, since I
can clearly see the shortcomings of my experience. I need to find out how to
do things correctly, hence I came here. Most of you who answer questions are
quite savvy and know computers deeply. That is why I have come to you. In
hopes that you have knowledge to share, why is what he did uneducated? Do you
know about the problem I am having with the personal files and the greay box
about the script? Read my original post and if you can tell me what is going
on, I'd be very grateful. Thanks, D.


Hey Karl, thanks for your response. I agree that my teacher does seem to be
lacking in skills to help beyond the simple stuff. It has been like pulling
teeth to get an answer from him about my problems. I finally got fed up with
the struggle and came here. After searching for info about my problems I
decided to post them.

The file I am to import came from a site ( which is a place to
download files that go with the projects in my text book. (you choose office
suites and then choose office 2003 to get to the text book and the
downloads)The text book is "Office 2003 Premium edition, Intro. concepts and
techniques", soft cover. Under this is the section of files you can choose
from for your assignments. The outlook file is the one I downloaded for this
one. It has the cases 1-2 Contacts which is a .pst file that must be imported
to set up a personal file called Store. Once the file is imported you make
some changes and then export it to the professor via email. In the wizzard,
which was very confusing, I kept putting the files in wrong but since I did
not understand what I was doing, I made alot of mistakes. When I went to the
lab today, I got some help. I was able to export to desk top the folders for
two of the asignments and then email them to the teacher. I was very
relieved. In the lab I was able to import into outlook, put the data in a
file called Store, make the changes and then export it to desk top and then
email it as an attaachment to the teacher.

However, I can't do that on my computer because of the problems listed in my
original post. I still have problems importing the case 1-2 contacts list
into outlook and setting it up as a folder named Store. The gray boxes, keep
popping up (the folder heading changes to the mail heading when this
happens)! I am trying to study and learn the things I learned in the lab, but
I think I have done something stupid here and don't know how to undo myself.
I was hoping someone might have run into this before and be able to tell me
how to fix it. I appreciate your post and effort to discuss why you feel my
professor might be, shall we say, inexperienced, but he did not ask me to
import to the same file I was exporting from. He simply told us to download
it from the site and import it into outlook, make the changes and export it
via email. The book does not give good instruction on how to do this work.
Actually there is nothing in there about importing and exporting and how to
do it correctly. And no way could I guess that exporting the finished file to
desktop and then emailing it as an attachment was what I was suppose to do.
It certainly was not in the book so I didn't have a clue. Most of it I have
guessed at and gotten outside help with. Thanks again, D.


MzFrazle said:
Gordon, I tried to access the information you say is posted once a day. I
searched before I asked the question. I'm sorry if I did not get it,
I did get some hands on help today and was able to understand how to
and export files and how to attach files to email and email them to my
Professor. The way you have outlined is another way to do it, but I was
to use the desk top, which worked quite well because it was easy to find
easy to attach to the email.

The big question now is, what about those messages I'm getting when I try
open my personal files (Noted in my first post) I deleted some personal
that were empty and didn't realize until later that they may have been
important. Now I don't know if they were. I reinstalled the office 2003
upgrade and this problem was not fixed so I am guessing it may be
else. Perhaps you have heard of this happening and can help me fix this
myself with some advanced moves. Thanks for your help.

One of the other results of importing a pst file can be to corrupt the mail
Try creating a new mail profile, (Control Panel-Mail-Profiles) and opening
the pst file from that.

Brian Tillman

MzFrazle said:
Well, OK, but how is he uneducated about outlook? Why is this

Because importing and export always lose data and often corrupt an existing
mail profile. Importing and exporting are tools to transfer Outlook data
into and out of applications OTHER THAN Outlook, never for moving data
between one Outlook instance and another.
How do you do it correctly? Your comment is possibly
right, but you offered no solutions.

It's posted here at least once per day and usually more. Google groups
would have found it for you in ten seconds. I encourage you to use it.
I really didn't need to know my
teacher's shortcomings, since I can clearly see the shortcomings of
my experience. I need to find out how to do things correctly, hence I
came here. Most of you who answer questions are quite savvy and know
computers deeply. That is why I have come to you. In hopes that you
have knowledge to share, why is what he did uneducated? Do you know
about the problem I am having with the personal files and the greay
box about the script? Read my original post and if you can tell me
what is going on, I'd be very grateful. Thanks, D.

The error you're seeing when clicking the root of the PSTs is likely a
problem in the home page setting for the roots. Right-click, choose
Properties, select the Home Page tab, and uncheck "Show home page by default
for this folder".


Brian thanks for all that nice info! I will give all these things a try. Most
of the computer knowlege I have is stuff I learned from asking questions of
friends or computer stores and from a course I took 20 years ago. This course
is the first one I have taken in that long and I was learning Office 2003,
which I knew nothing about. I have to consider that I have done really well
from that place. I only had three issues I could not do and needed help on so
that's pretty good for a new thing.

There's alot that goes haywire when doing computer work and sometimes it has
more to do with the faeries than anything else!! I think I have a bunch of
them living at my house because they like to hide things on me and then when
I've looked everywhere for them, then they put them right where I knew I had
left them and I just shrug my shoulders and know they were playing again.
Well, how about computer faeries?? It seems that my gray boxes have
dissappeared and I can export stuff fine. But I still can't import the pst
file that I have to use for the assignment in outlook. the data won't come
in. Maybe, after the class is over, I'll be able to do it because then I
won't need to!!!

I went up to Melbourne BCC campus and actually worked with my teacher and we
were able to resolve all the problems I was having. I did the import fine on
their computers so I guess my computer has a problem. I'll just keep looking
for an answer until I find one. I am quite surprised to learn about the
corruption of mail files by exporting and importing pst files. I had to
import a pst file from a web site into outlook contacts file. That I am still
unable to do. That should be a major project to solve at MSO?!

At any rate, I am grateful for everyone's help and I'll check back from time
to time. Take care.

Brian Tillman

MzFrazle said:
There's alot that goes haywire when doing computer work and sometimes
it has more to do with the faeries than anything else!!

I'm on the other side of the fence on this one. Rarely is anything a
computer does inexplicable is one digs deeply enough. On occasion, there
are things that for which one simply might not be able to find an
explanation, but that doesn't mean one doesn't exist. The usual cause in
that case is simply that one doesn't understand the process swell enough to
determine the explanation. Computers are finite state machines and there's
ALWAYS a reason that can explain their behavior, even if it's "hardware
I had to import a pst file from a web site
into outlook contacts file. That I am still unable to do. That should
be a major project to solve at MSO?!

Perhaps if could be detailed enough in describe exactly how you're trying to
do this and exactly what happens at each step of the process, we could
figure it out. If you feel so included, please do. Otherwise, good luck
with the remainder of the course.

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