Contains a Value Cell and Sumif?



Ok I have the follwing:

Col A Col B Col C Col D

Bill Scott $50
Jim Scott $98
Smith Jack $509
Jill Jack $987
Jack Bill $989
Scott Bill $32

I am trying to do this:

Ok I have the follwing:

Col A Col B Col C Col D
Add Totals
For Each Name
Bill Scott $50
Jim Scott $98
Smith Jack $509
Jill Jack $987
Jack Bill $989
Scott Bill $32

I am using this formula =SUMIF(C2:C100,"Scott",D2:D100). That part works
fine. But what I need to do is be able to get what in in Col A where Scott
is so that I can drag my formula down so that it will pull the value from Col
A. I have over 100 names and to type the name in the formula for each person
is too much. Any ideas on this one?

Thank you.


Yes that worked...I figured out what I did wrong. I had the last names first
in Col A and in Col C I had the first names first. Made the changes and
works great!

Thank YOU!

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