I spent the whole afternoon trying to get a template to work in which I would
like the date and document title to be repeated on every page using content
controls. I found a number of solutions, ranging from using the document
properties (most common solution) to adding specific VB code to the template.
While Greg Maxey's renowned "Repeating Data (Section 7)" is very helpful, in
the end all these solutions fail to explain how Word 2007's integrated
templates succeed in repeating data without needed any of these solutions.
I had a closer look at one of the standard templates, namely the "Equity
Report": the title and date controls are replicated throughout the document,
and changing the value of any of them instantly updates all the others. The
document does not contain any bookmarks, and no custom VB code either as far
as I could see.
Some of the controls do not even have a title or tag and are still updated
automagically... I am at a complete loss to explain this. Any ideas, anyone?
It is very frustrating not being able to do the same without reverting to
hacks :|
like the date and document title to be repeated on every page using content
controls. I found a number of solutions, ranging from using the document
properties (most common solution) to adding specific VB code to the template.
While Greg Maxey's renowned "Repeating Data (Section 7)" is very helpful, in
the end all these solutions fail to explain how Word 2007's integrated
templates succeed in repeating data without needed any of these solutions.
I had a closer look at one of the standard templates, namely the "Equity
Report": the title and date controls are replicated throughout the document,
and changing the value of any of them instantly updates all the others. The
document does not contain any bookmarks, and no custom VB code either as far
as I could see.
Some of the controls do not even have a title or tag and are still updated
automagically... I am at a complete loss to explain this. Any ideas, anyone?
It is very frustrating not being able to do the same without reverting to
hacks :|