Nasir Khan - VSTS Team
Content controls inside <w:body> tag are only allowing us to press enter
keys, custom elements, <list> tags formatting. This scenario is mentioned in
the attached document “New Approach – Array and Statement tag.docxâ€. Content
controls inside body are extendable.
OpenXML for this scenario would be.
<w:customXml w:uri="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office" w:element="array">
<w:id w:val="90283052"/>
<w:docPart w:val="DefaultPlaceholder_22675703"/>
w:rsidR="00506299" w:rsidRDefault="00506299"
w:rsidR="00506299" w:rsidRDefault="00506299"
Content controls inside <w
> tag(s) is not allowing to press enter key.
Its behaviour is like inline content control. In this scnerio we are unable
to support custom tags inside <w
>. This scenario is mentioned in the
attached document “Statement inside p.docxâ€. In most of the PubMed XML we
require nesting of <p> tags and inside <p> we would required content controls.
<w:id w:val="90283052"/>
<w:docPart w:val="DefaultPlaceholder_22675703"/>
We would like to achieve:
Add content controls inside <w
> where user should able to press enter key,
add bulleted list.
Let us know wheter you have any other approach for such scenarios.
As an example we want to generate custom tags content controls (OpenXML) for
below XML:
<sec sec-type="subsection" id="subsec2.2">
<title>2.2. Definitions of different repeats in DNA
<statement id="d1">
<p> Some Test </p>
<p> tttt </p>
<sec> and <statement> custom tag requires content controls.
keys, custom elements, <list> tags formatting. This scenario is mentioned in
the attached document “New Approach – Array and Statement tag.docxâ€. Content
controls inside body are extendable.
OpenXML for this scenario would be.
<w:customXml w:uri="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office" w:element="array">
<w:id w:val="90283052"/>
<w:docPart w:val="DefaultPlaceholder_22675703"/>
Content controls inside <w
Its behaviour is like inline content control. In this scnerio we are unable
to support custom tags inside <w
attached document “Statement inside p.docxâ€. In most of the PubMed XML we
require nesting of <p> tags and inside <p> we would required content controls.
<w:id w:val="90283052"/>
<w:docPart w:val="DefaultPlaceholder_22675703"/>
We would like to achieve:
Add content controls inside <w
add bulleted list.
Let us know wheter you have any other approach for such scenarios.
As an example we want to generate custom tags content controls (OpenXML) for
below XML:
<sec sec-type="subsection" id="subsec2.2">
<title>2.2. Definitions of different repeats in DNA
<statement id="d1">
<p> Some Test </p>
<p> tttt </p>
<sec> and <statement> custom tag requires content controls.