Contents of a FrontPage Component has been Modifed error


Nick Halfpenny

I've created a database results page, but every time I try to amend the
Select state ment directly, I get the following error:
'Contents of a FrontPage Component has been Modifed. These contents will be
overwritten when you save this page'

I can make any amendment to the Select statement in a text editior, but if I
then load the page back into FrontPage, it changes back !

Is this a bug in FrontPage, or am I doing something wrong ?
(FP2002 - SP2) (Windows 2000)



Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

Find the SQL in the gray-colored code and make your changes there. Save the
changes while still in HTML view. You will notice that once you've saved
your changes they are also made to the maroon colored code - that is by
design. The maroon colored code should never be touched; it's generated by
the gray code at save time.


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Spider Web Woman Designs

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