'Contents of a FrontPage component has been modifield.


Nick Halfpenny


I've created a page that returns some results from a database. When I try to
amend the Select statement manually within the HTML code, I receive the
following error when i Save:
'Contents of a FrontPage component has been modified. These contents will be
overwritten when you save this page.'

I can amend the code within a text editor and it works OK, but as soon as I
load it back into FrontPage, it get's alter back.

Is this a bug in FrontPage, or am I doing something wrong ?

Is there a way round it ?
(FP 2002 - SP2 / Windows 2000)



Stefan B Rusynko

Not a bug

The wizards do not allow editing
You are limited to doing it all w/ the wizard or all w/o the wizard

| Hi,
| I've created a page that returns some results from a database. When I try to
| amend the Select statement manually within the HTML code, I receive the
| following error when i Save:
| 'Contents of a FrontPage component has been modified. These contents will be
| overwritten when you save this page.'
| I can amend the code within a text editor and it works OK, but as soon as I
| load it back into FrontPage, it get's alter back.
| Is this a bug in FrontPage, or am I doing something wrong ?
| Is there a way round it ?
| (FP 2002 - SP2 / Windows 2000)
| Regards,
| Nick

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