"Contents" worksheet in a wkbk



I have a workbook containing many worksheets (named, say
A1, A2, A3, etc). I have seen workbooks containing
a "contents" worksheet with the names of each sheet in the
wkbk. When you click on the name of any wksht on this
contents sht it takes you to that wksht. I've tried to
find a method by which one incorporates such a "master"
sheet but with no luck. i would be grateful if any wizard
out there can walk me through this! Thanks!

Anne Troy

Just create hyperlinks.
Type the headings into cells, click on each cell and Insert-Hyperlink to a
place in this document.
Warning: I don't like your sheetnames. They're also cell addresses, which
could make your project *unruly*. If you must have A1, A2, please put dashes
between the letter and the number.

Hope this helps!
Anne Troy (better known as Dreamboat)
Author: Dreamboat on Word
Email: Dreamboat*at*Piersontech.com
Web: www.TheOfficeExperts.com

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