Continious forms



Hello group, I am using continuous forms to record childrens details; Age
and name. I require the childs name if they are over 17 but do not if they
are below.

When I use continuous forms I can enable/disable the name when the age is
above or below 17. However I come into some difficulty when two or more
children are in the forms with ages above and below 17.

Is there any way using continious forms to reference the individual name

'Basic code being used
If me.txtChildAge >= 17 Then
me.txtChildName.Enabled = True
me.txtChildName.Enabled - = False
End IF

Wayne Morgan

In form design view, right click the control you want to enable/disable and
choose Conditional Formatting. Set the expression to the desired value. The
right most icon button on the bottom row will enable/disable the control
based on your expression.


When I click on the control and then go to the format menu and select the
format option, there is nothing in the dropdown box. Any idea's


Chris, don't right-click the control. Instead select it then select Format / Conditional Formatting
from the Main Menu.

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