Continuance of last post on highest #



I received the following formula to solve my excel problem. Thiis formula
worked fine with the exception when two numbers were identical the result was
always the first name.


The results below analyze the info at first and results on bottom, problem
is i need each player identified even if they are tied.

Can anyone help me, forever in your debt.

Analyze to find highest total rankings from top to bottom:

Goals ##

Rogers 11
Bowdy 13
Anderson 4
Smith 16
Nagel 10
Cohagen 7
Cooper 1
Preist 32
O'Brien 20
Zacharias 55
O'Brien 19
Wall 17
Edmonds 8
Minardo 6
Marietti 2
Hoover 53
Ridgway 3
Rogers 0
Eberhart 0

Results from formula

Goals ##

Zacharias 55
Hoover 53
Preist 32
O'Brien 20
O'Brien 19
Wall 17
Smith 16
Bowdy 13
Rogers 11
Nagel 10
Edmonds 8
Cohagen 7
Minardo 6
Anderson 4
Ridgway 3
Marietti 2
Cooper 1
Cooper 1
Cooper 1
Rogers 0
Rogers 0

As you see here if two players of a different name have the same total it
still puts the first player it sees in all the results.

Any ideas? I hope!

T. Valko

Try this array formula** :

Assuming you enter this formula in F12.


Copy down as needed

** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of


Thank-you unfortunately it returns the result "N/A". The formula looks good
but it does not bring back the result. Thx for the help any new ideas would
be greatly appreciatted

T. Valko

Try this array formula** :
** array formulas need to be entered using the key combination of

Did you enter the formula as an array? It works. Trust me!

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