Continued Issues: Scheduling Assistant, Out of Office Assistant, PDFAttachments


Jensen, Casey

I have some continuing issues that have been going on since we've moved to
Entourage 2008 12.1.4 in our Design and Editorial departments. We are
running Exchange 2007 server.

Firstly, the out of office assistant has never worked and continues to not
function. Going to "Tools->Out of Office", the window appears for a few
moments with the spinning logo next to "Retrieving Status" before exclaiming
that the "Out of Office status is temporarily unavailable.."

Secondly, the scheduling assistant has not worked since the 12.1.0 service
pack. I can install a fresh copy of entourage, v12.0.0, and create a meeting
with another user - I'm able to view their schedule, and it will populate in
<3 seconds. After installing the 12.1.0 upgrade, the scheduling assistant
window just shows the spinning icon for a moment and then it goes away -
with all schedules/users shown as "No Information".

Lastly, an item we experienced about a week ago - a member of our HR
department sent out a companywide e-mail with an attached PDF. When this
happened, it caused everyone who had entourage to have to force quit because
entourage froze. The only solution I could come up with was having users
login to their webmail, and remove the email from there - otherwise trying
to launch entourage with the email still in their inbox would cause
entourage to freeze again. There was nothing 'strange' about the PDF other
than it seemed to freeze for about 10 seconds when loaded into preview. It
was created in InDesign and could be opened in Acrobat fine. I saw another
user or two experienced this problem as well in the newsgroup.

Any thoughts on the given issues?


William Smith [MVP]

I have some continuing issues that have been going on since we've moved to
Entourage 2008 12.1.4 in our Design and Editorial departments. We are
running Exchange 2007 server.

Hi Casey!

You're seeing these problems on several or all of your Macs?

How are you configuring Entourage? Manually or using the Setup Assistant?

In some environments the Exchange server address needs to be in the form
of:[email protected]

where "(e-mail address removed)" is the user's E-mail address. Are your addresses
appearing this way?

Are your users connecting to their back-end Exchange servers (direct) or
do you have them connecting to a front-end Outlook Web Access (OWA)
server address? I suggest using back-end wherever possible. Have a look
at my blog post for details:

"Optimize Entourage to better work with Exchange"
or <>.

Hope this helps!



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Jensen, Casey

I am seeing the same problems on all of my macs, save one, where the
scheduling assistant actually works. The one where it works is on osx
10.5.6, where as the others are on 10.4.11. It still had the other issues
(PDF crashing & OOOa not working) The version of Entourage is the same, and
the Entourage account settings are all the same - however only the one
leopard machine will retrieve scheduling information. All of the other
machines have the results greyed out.

I initially configured Entourage using the setup assistant, but have gone
back and changed some things since, such as the LDAP server - after it

The exchange server address was not in that format, it was just in the
format of the actual name (for us, ie,, where XXX is what was
listed). I changed it to your example:[email protected]
With no noticeable difference.

The server used is the backend server, they aren't connecting to the OWA
server. The public folders server is correct, LDAP is correct, and exchange
server all seem to be correct and otherwise functioning properly.

Any add'l thoughts?


I was having issues getting the availability to display for users. I followed your "view connection settings" trick on the Outlook tray icon, and found that the public folders server was different that the exchange mail server.

I made the change to the server outlook was using, and now it works fine.

Thanks a million!!

William Smith [MVP]

I was having issues getting the availability to display for users. I
followed your "view connection settings" trick on the Outlook tray
icon, and found that the public folders server was different that the
exchange mail server.

I made the change to the server outlook was using, and now it works

Thanks a million!!

I knew that little sidebar would be useful to someone someday. :)

Glad it helped!



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