Continued tables and use of captions?




I have a table that is several pages long. I've used the
caption feature to give the table a name. What I'd like
to do is have the caption automatically appear on each
page For example:

Table 1 (continued)

Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

Cindy W.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you put the caption in the top row of the table and make it a heading
row, you can repeat it. Adding the "(continued)" part is a bit trickier. The
only way I know of to do this is to put "(continued)" in the caption itself
and hide it on the first page with a text box or AutoShape (no line and
white fill) anchored either outside the table or at least in a non-heading


Thanks. I'll try this. One question, are you allowed to
have more than one header row? This won't work if it
knocks out my other headers that need to be repeated.

Thanks again.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Don't give me credit for this, Charles. I've just been passing it on. I
think it was Terry Farrell that first proposed it. I've never actually tried
it, but other users seem to have used the technique successfully.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can have as many heading rows as you want (within reason, of course),
but they must be at the top of the table and must be contiguous.

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