continued word + opentype crashes.


Darrell Fuhriman

I know there was some discussion on this in the past, but I was
wondering what the current state of affairs is.

I'm running a Macbook (all current on Office and OS [well, Tiger,
not Leopard]), as well as a G5 (also all current). I see the
problem in both machines, though it seems somewhat more frequent
on the Macbook than the G5. I do use Linotype FontExplorer to
manage fonts, but I actually didn't install that until *after* I
started having problems.

I'm trying to use Warnock Pro (including caption and display
faces) in my styles. I get repeated hangs and crashes, including
of other applications, just as has been described in other
threads on this topic.

It doesn't occur only on save like has been described before, but
just at random points while running the application. (Although I
suppose it could be the auto-save feature kicking in.)

I'm happy to provide all the debugging detail you want (I was
even running ktraces, but that didn't seem to be very
informative, sadly.)

Console log shows:

Nov 12 13:06:07 artful
FOExceptionMainHandler caught a fatal exception at 0x000ddb9f\n
Nov 12 13:06:07 artful
ATSServer got a fatal exception! Please check /var/log/ats.log,
also viewable in

The ats.log shows repeated crashes of the ATSServer:

"ATSServer got a fatal error (status: -6) while processing a
message (id: 26) from pid=3959."



Elliott Roper

Darrell Fuhriman said:
I know there was some discussion on this in the past, but I was
wondering what the current state of affairs is.

I'm running a Macbook (all current on Office and OS [well, Tiger,
not Leopard]), as well as a G5 (also all current). I see the
problem in both machines, though it seems somewhat more frequent
on the Macbook than the G5. I do use Linotype FontExplorer to
manage fonts, but I actually didn't install that until *after* I
started having problems.

I'm trying to use Warnock Pro (including caption and display
faces) in my styles. I get repeated hangs and crashes, including
of other applications, just as has been described in other
threads on this topic.

I see Carbon apps having problems with Open Type Fonts. But not what
you see.

In fact I can't see Warnock Pro in the font list of Carbon Apps like
Word and GraphicConverter. It seems that OS X's font list in Carbon
gives up after a few OTFs and won't show the rest of them.

I happily use Garamond Premier Pro in Word, but Warnock Pro goes into
hiding for Carbon apps, as does Janson Text LT Std and every OT Font
after it in the alphabet.

Janson is about 170 in the list of OTFs according to Font Book.
I can't blame Word since other Carbon apps behave in the same way.

Is it possible that Warnock is near the same limit in your collection?

As a wild guess, try removing a few OTFs whose names are earlier in the
alphabet. Not, I imagine, a difficult task with W...ww...warnock.

As an aside, I notice that untold OTF fonts seem to have crept onto my
systems with Leopard. Well, I don't remember nicking stuff like Ex
Ponto Pro from anywhere else. If I had, I was drunk at the time, M'lud.
I plead diminished responsibility.

Darrell Fuhriman

Elliott Roper said:
I see Carbon apps having problems with Open Type Fonts. But not what
you see.

Yah, this has been a problem for a while with Word. Some of the
issues were resolved a while back, as can be seen from this
rather long historic thread, but clearly not all of them.

Is it possible that Warnock is near the same limit in your collection?

As a wild guess, try removing a few OTFs whose names are earlier in the
alphabet. Not, I imagine, a difficult task with W...ww...warnock.

Hmm. well, I've gone ahead and disabled all OpenType fonts except
Warnock Pro. I guess we'll see what happens, though I'm
frankly skeptical that it will help.



FWIW - I have about 40 OTFs (slightly above 200 fonts overall) in my user
fonts folder & all are available in Word's font list - including the
complete range of Warnock Pro. The only fonts that don't show up there are
those that reside exclusively in the Adobe fonts folder. Those are available
only in the Adobe apps.

Elliott Roper

FWIW - I have about 40 OTFs (slightly above 200 fonts overall) in my user
fonts folder & all are available in Word's font list - including the
complete range of Warnock Pro. The only fonts that don't show up there are
those that reside exclusively in the Adobe fonts folder. Those are available
only in the Adobe apps.

I find carbon apps giving up after 170 OTF families. Out of a total of
640 families or 3000 fonts. You probably don't have enough to bring
this problem on.

Elliott Roper

Darrell Fuhriman said:
Yah, this has been a problem for a while with Word. Some of the
issues were resolved a while back, as can be seen from this
rather long historic thread, but clearly not all of them.

Hmm. well, I've gone ahead and disabled all OpenType fonts except
Warnock Pro. I guess we'll see what happens, though I'm
frankly skeptical that it will help.

I went round that loop a while ago. I seem to remember that disabling
fonts did not help. You had to delete them and clear caches. It was all
too much pain. I decided that if I wanted typography that could benefit
from the difference between Warnock Pro and something else, then Word
was the wrong tool.
How many ransom note readers look at the typography?

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