Continuous Form Pre Fill



I know this should be simple, but...

Here's what I have: A subform that has a date/amount due for payment based
on the number of payments specified on the main form.

I want to prefill the dates and amounts for each payment record.

My PaymentDates table is
ID = key
RAN = account number (many side of relationship with main select query)
NPI = payment number
PPD = Due date
PDA = Due amount

What I can't seem to make happen is this -- On the main form, if the user
enters, say 3, for the number of payments and 5/1/2005 for the start date,
the subform should fill the fields in the PaymentDates table as follows:
ID = 1, RAN = xxxxxxxxxx, NPI = 1, PPD = 5/1/2005, PDA = $100.15
ID = 2, RAN = xxxxxxxxxx, NPI = 2, PPD = 6/1/2005, PDA = $100.15
ID = 3, RAN = xxxxxxxxxx, NPI = 3, PPD = 7/1/2005, PDA = $100.17

Is this making sense?

And, if the user then changes that same field, to say 2, then:
ID = 1, RAN = xxxxxxxxxx, NPI = 1, PPD = 5/1/2005, PDA = $150.23
ID = 2, RAN = xxxxxxxxxx, NPI = 2, PPD = 6/1/2005, PDA = $150.24

and the third record should be deleted.

Any help please? Thanks.

-- jak

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