Continuous Forms and Requery



I have a continuous form were it has the employee, field 1(Deserts) and
field 2 (Flavors) are one-to-many related. Field one will give me a combo
box drop down of Ice Cream, Pies Field 2 needs to look at field 1 and say Ok
you have selected Ice Cream so I'm going to show you Vanilla, Chocolate OR
Oh, you have selected Pies so now you get to see Cherry, Apple.

so now the record should show
Joe Smith Pie Cherry
John Doe Ice Cream Vanilla
Jane Roe Pie Apple

someone told me to use the requery so that field 2 would look at field 1 and
know to only select regarding what the value was in field 1.

What happens is when I open the form the Flavor Vanilla disapears from John
Doe's record! If a add a record, new employee and select Ice Cream, the
Flavor Vanilla re-appears but the records that have Pie, the Flavor

Please be gentle, I'm new to all of this. HELP!


It's a little unclear as to what problem your having. Are you saying that
Field2 is not filtering choices correctly based on Field1, or are you saying
that it is filtering but not saving the data to your table? It might also be
helpful if you provied some insight as to the structure of your tables and
their relationships.

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