Continuous Forms:


Andre Joseph

I am trying to create a continuous form that will display three records
vertically on the same page. See below.

Column1 Column2 Column3

Field Labels Record1 Record2 Record3

(30 columnar

The Print Preview of the form displays three vertical records without data.
The report
created from this form also diaplays three different records including the
proper data.

Is it possible to create a form with the above format or must sub-forms be
used for the second and third record.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

missinglinq via

I've seen this question posted from time to time, both here and on other
forums, and I've never seen any solution. Subforms, I suppose, would be a
work around, but if you're talking about more than the stated three records
for the db, and I assume you are, co-ordinating the shifting of all three
subforms forward or backward at the same time could be problematic!

Good luck!

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