Continuous Forms

  • Thread starter Connel Valentine
  • Start date

Connel Valentine


I was just wondering if there was any way to refer to a
particular object in the details of a continuous form, and
change the properties of only that object display a
particular record, eg. a text box.


Marshall Barton

Connel said:
I was just wondering if there was any way to refer to a
particular object in the details of a continuous form, and
change the properties of only that object display a
particular record, eg. a text box.

No. There is only one text box and its properties are used
to display all of its images.

There are a few ways to make a text box look different on
different rows depending on what you want to do. The
easiest is if you want to display a number value in
different colors for positive, negative or zero values where
you can use a multi-part custom format (see Format Property
in Help).

In A2K+, you can also do a few other things using the
Conditional Formatting feature (Format menu).

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