Continuous Page Numbering in Multiple Docs



I have multiple files that I want to have continuous page numbering from one
file to the other. If one file has an added or deleted page, then i have to
go and change the page numbering in the following documents. I found this on
the MVPs site but couldn't quite follow it, I think it was too vauge for me:

Continuous Page Numbering across separate files
As many of us have experienced, the Master Document feature in Word is
simply not stable enough to rely on for working with large documents. If you
must manage a large document as separate files, there are some tricks you can
use. For example, using a couple of fields, you can create consecutive page
numbering across multiple files:

At the end of the first document insert a PAGE field; select it.
Format the field as "hidden".
Place the field in a bookmark (Word 6/95: Edit/Bookmark; Word97 and later:
Save this file; open the next file.
In the header or footer, where the page number should appear, insert the
following set of fields:
{ = { PAGE} + { INCLUDETEXT "C:\\My Book\\Chap1.doc" Chap1Pages
\* CharFormat \! } }
Repeat the steps for each document in sequence.

If anyone could help, that would be great!


Shauna Kelly

Hi jennifer 72401

I see that the text you have used came from Cindy Meister's web site at

Cindy lays out 6 steps to achieve what you want:

1. At the end of the first document insert a PAGE field; select it.
2. Format the field as "hidden".
3. Place the field in a bookmark (Word 6/95: Edit/Bookmark; Word97 and
later: Insert/Bookmark).
4. Save this file; open the next file.
5. In the header or footer, where the page number should appear, insert the
following set of fields:
{ = { PAGE} + { INCLUDETEXT "C:\\My Book\\Chap1.doc" Chap1Pages \*
CharFormat \! } }
6. Repeat the steps for each document in sequence.

Which step are you having difficulty with?

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


I dont know how to format a field as hidden.. I went through the steps again,
but it didn't work. It gave me a syntax error. Is the field code correct?
Does it contain any extra spaces in it? I copied and pasted it exactly as she
had it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Select the field and press Ctrl+Shift+H or go to Format | Font and check the
box for "Hidden."

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