Contoling the way slides advance and animations in PowerPoint.



I have a powerpoint presentation in which I want to only advance the slides
if an action box is clicked and not when the screen is clicked. I got this
to work by de-selecting the "on mouse click" box under "slide transition:
advance slide".

The issue that now has come up is that my animation no longer starts. On
one of my slides I have animations that start with the click of a box. The
box has an "action setting" set to "on mouse click". The rest of the
animation is set to "With previous".

The goal I am trying to acheive is that the person viewing the presentation
will advance each slide when they are ready. Also, they will be able to play
the animation as many times as they want by clicking on the "start button"
and not going to the next slide until the click on the designated "action

Any help would be appreciated.


Apology, i think i misread your post. Let's say your presentation can now
only advance through action buttons, and you only want animations on each
slide to be played when clicking on a button, then you will need to make use
of trigger animations. Trigger animations is available in PowerPoint 2002/XP
and above.

Check this tutorial out:
"Tutorial on Triggering Animations"
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: May 19, 2007
9 new PowerPoint Artworks
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


I tried this already and the issue is that the effect for only the one action
will work. the rest of the animation tasks, which were previously triggered
by this first action no longer are connected to it. Triggers happen after all
the rest of the animations.
any other ideas?


Two things to note here:
1) You will need to put all the animations under the Start Action button
trigger. This can be done by dragging the animations into the Trigger: Start
Action Button, or select all the animations, then right click and select
Timing. Click on Triggers > Start Effect on click of, and select the Start
Action button.
2) All the animations must be set to Start: After Previous or With Previous
so that they will be played automatically once the Start Action button is
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: May 19, 2007
9 new PowerPoint Artworks
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


Thanks that did it.
An added benefit was that I no longer have to use hidden "dummy" pages
before and after this slide to create a loop to reload the slide. The
trigger works every time you click on it without having to reload the slide.

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