Contract Management db



I have the tables:
*Tbl_contratos with the fields: NºContrato; date beginning; data ending;
mounthlyvalue(rent) ; number of mounths between each update
*Tbl_Taxa_Actualização with the fields: Year; Tax - where I register the
tax of update to apply on the value for each year;
I Need to process each month the value of each contract being that the
value of the income (rent) would have to bring up to date automatically when
arriving at a date.
For example: I have contract 1, with date beginning in 4-5-2007; it ends
30-12-2010; it updates 12 in 12 months in day 1 of this month (would be for
1ª update 1 of may of 2008; for 2ª 1 of May of 2009,…)when processing the
value of the month of May of 2008 the income would have to come updated to
the value of the old income + the update tax.

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