control can't be edited; it's bound to unknown field


Don Thomason

I have several yes/no fields on a form. All the fields are from the same
table. Some of the controls allow me to check them and with others I recieve
the error message that it cannot be edited. Is there a limit to the number
of yes/no fields on a form? The properties for all the fields are the same.
Is there something else I am missing?

Linq Adams via

There is a control lifetime limit of 756 controls per form, whcich is what
Jeff is alluding to; but "several" hardly equates to 756, even when the 756
limit counts all controls that have ***ever*** been on the form, even if
later deleted.

More important, I think, is the error message

"control can't be edited; it's bound to unknown field"

Are these checkboxes, indeed, bound to Yes/No fields in the underlying table?
The Access Gnomes don't appear to think so. Were the fields dragged, in
Design View, to the form from the Field List? Or were the Control Sources
picked from the Dropdown box in the Properties box? Or were they entered by
hand? The error indicates that the Control Source doesn't match a field in
the Record Source for the form.

If you're sure that the Control Source names for the checkboxes are, in all
cases, correct, then you have to consider that you're dealing with corruption.
In this case, the first thing to try would be to create a new, blank database
and impost all objects from the original database into it. Seems simple, but
in a surprisingly large percentage of cases it works.

Linq Adams via

There is a control lifetime limit of 756 controls per form, whcich is what
Jeff is alluding to; but "several" hardly equates to 756, even when the 756
limit counts all controls that have ***ever*** been on the form, even if
later deleted.

More important, I think, is the error message

"control can't be edited; it's bound to unknown field"

Are these checkboxes, indeed, bound to Yes/No fields in the underlying table?
The Access Gnomes don't appear to think so. Were the fields dragged, in
Design View, to the form from the Field List? Or were the Control Sources
picked from the Dropdown box in the Properties box? Or were they entered by
hand? The error indicates that the Control Source doesn't match a field in
the Record Source for the form.

If you're sure that the Control Source names for the checkboxes are, in all
cases, correct, then you have to consider that you're dealing with corruption.
In this case, the first thing to try would be to create a new, blank database
and impost all objects from the original database into it. Seems simple, but
in a surprisingly large percentage of cases it works.

Don Thomason

I have 11 on the main from, 6 of which work and 5 don't. There are 6 more on
a subform, all of which work. I will try the import solution and let you
know how it works. Thanks.

Don Thomason

You also asked how they were created. They were "dragged" from the field list.

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