Control Code to set a Date


Bob V

My Combo Box [cbOwnerName] has a Row Source [qPayableTotalForPayment] which
has 9 Columns in combo box the last Column being
[My Date]MyDate: Format([MaxOfBillDate],"d-mmm-yy")
I want to code my Button to Change the date in [tbStartDate] to the date im
[cbOwnerName] once selected I click Button to give that date in
Thanks for any help.........Bob

Biz Enhancer

Hi Bob,
If I am understanding correctly this should solve your problem.

"OnClick" event
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub


Bob V

Biz How Brilliant is that Thanks going to find out how to learn to code Dim
x..................Thanks Bob
Biz Enhancer said:
Hi Bob,
If I am understanding correctly this should solve your problem.

"OnClick" event
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub


Bob V said:
My Combo Box [cbOwnerName] has a Row Source [qPayableTotalForPayment]
has 9 Columns in combo box the last Column being
[My Date]MyDate: Format([MaxOfBillDate],"d-mmm-yy")
I want to code my Button to Change the date in [tbStartDate] to the date
[cbOwnerName] once selected I click Button to give that date in
Thanks for any help.........Bob

Biz Enhancer

Hi Bob,

The Dim Statement is simply declaring that variable "x" is a string. The "x"
can be replaced with anything as long as later in the code the reference is
to the variable. e.g.
Dim banana as integer
banana = 5

Declaring variables is a really powerful way to reuse code and to minimise
the amount of coding when in a loop statement (among other things).

Once I started to understand them my coding ability really started to take

Glad to have been some use.


Bob V said:
Biz How Brilliant is that Thanks going to find out how to learn to code Dim
x..................Thanks Bob
Biz Enhancer said:
Hi Bob,
If I am understanding correctly this should solve your problem.

"OnClick" event
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub


Bob V said:
My Combo Box [cbOwnerName] has a Row Source [qPayableTotalForPayment]
has 9 Columns in combo box the last Column being
[My Date]MyDate: Format([MaxOfBillDate],"d-mmm-yy")
I want to code my Button to Change the date in [tbStartDate] to the date
[cbOwnerName] once selected I click Button to give that date in
Thanks for any help.........Bob

Bob V

Nick, Can I put an error Message In if no selection is made
If cbOwnerName.value = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.value) Then
MsgBox "You have not made a Selection!", vbApplicationModal +
vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Exit Sub
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub
Thanks for your Help...Bob

Biz Enhancer said:
Hi Bob,

The Dim Statement is simply declaring that variable "x" is a string. The
can be replaced with anything as long as later in the code the reference
to the variable. e.g.
Dim banana as integer
banana = 5

Declaring variables is a really powerful way to reuse code and to minimise
the amount of coding when in a loop statement (among other things).

Once I started to understand them my coding ability really started to take

Glad to have been some use.


Bob V said:
Biz How Brilliant is that Thanks going to find out how to learn to code
x..................Thanks Bob
Biz Enhancer said:
Hi Bob,
If I am understanding correctly this should solve your problem.

"OnClick" event
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub



My Combo Box [cbOwnerName] has a Row Source [qPayableTotalForPayment]
has 9 Columns in combo box the last Column being
[My Date]MyDate: Format([MaxOfBillDate],"d-mmm-yy")
I want to code my Button to Change the date in [tbStartDate] to the
[cbOwnerName] once selected I click Button to give that date in
Thanks for any help.........Bob

Bob V

Nick, Got Column(1) working great , but having trouble with Column(8), I
have commered it out for the moment
Thanks for any Help.Bob

Private Sub cmdLastPay_Click()
If cbOwnerName.Column(1) = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.Column(1)) Then
MsgBox "Please Make a Selection!", vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly +
Exit Sub
'If cbOwnerName.Column(8) = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.Column(8)) Then
'MsgBox "No Last Payment!", vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly +
'Exit Sub
End If

Dim X As String

X = Me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
Me.tbDateFrom = X

'End If

End Sub
Bob V said:
Nick, Can I put an error Message In if no selection is made
If cbOwnerName.value = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.value) Then
MsgBox "You have not made a Selection!", vbApplicationModal +
vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Exit Sub
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub
Thanks for your Help...Bob

Biz Enhancer said:
Hi Bob,

The Dim Statement is simply declaring that variable "x" is a string. The
can be replaced with anything as long as later in the code the reference
to the variable. e.g.
Dim banana as integer
banana = 5

Declaring variables is a really powerful way to reuse code and to
the amount of coding when in a loop statement (among other things).

Once I started to understand them my coding ability really started to

Glad to have been some use.


Bob V said:
Biz How Brilliant is that Thanks going to find out how to learn to code
x..................Thanks Bob
Hi Bob,
If I am understanding correctly this should solve your problem.

"OnClick" event
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub



My Combo Box [cbOwnerName] has a Row Source [qPayableTotalForPayment]
has 9 Columns in combo box the last Column being
[My Date]MyDate: Format([MaxOfBillDate],"d-mmm-yy")
I want to code my Button to Change the date in [tbStartDate] to the
[cbOwnerName] once selected I click Button to give that date in
Thanks for any help.........Bob

John W. Vinson

Nick, Got Column(1) working great , but having trouble with Column(8), I
have commered it out for the moment

Note that Column(8) is the *ninth* field in the rowsource query - the property
is zero based. Doublecheck that you're getting the correct field!

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Biz Enhancer

Hi Bob,
A little juggling on the order of code might help.

Private Sub cmdLastPay_Click()
Dim x As String, y as string
y = Me.cbOwnerName.Column(1)
x = Me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)

If IsNull(y) Or y = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Make a Selection!", vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly +
Goto Exittrp
If IsNull(x) Or x = "" Then
MsgBox "No Last Payment!", vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly +
Goto Exittrp
End if
End if
Me.tbDateFrom = X
Exit Sub

End Sub

Nesting the If statements allows checking of the first statement and then
checking the second condition. Putting the GoTo statement in, make the code
jump to a certain point bypassing any other code that doesn't need to be run.



Bob V said:
Nick, Got Column(1) working great , but having trouble with Column(8), I
have commered it out for the moment
Thanks for any Help.Bob

Private Sub cmdLastPay_Click()
If cbOwnerName.Column(1) = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.Column(1)) Then
MsgBox "Please Make a Selection!", vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly +
Exit Sub
'If cbOwnerName.Column(8) = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.Column(8)) Then
'MsgBox "No Last Payment!", vbApplicationModal + vbOKOnly +
'Exit Sub
End If

Dim X As String

X = Me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
Me.tbDateFrom = X

'End If

End Sub
Bob V said:
Nick, Can I put an error Message In if no selection is made
If cbOwnerName.value = "" Or IsNull(cbOwnerName.value) Then
MsgBox "You have not made a Selection!", vbApplicationModal +
vbOKOnly + vbInformation
Exit Sub
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub
Thanks for your Help...Bob

Biz Enhancer said:
Hi Bob,

The Dim Statement is simply declaring that variable "x" is a string. The
can be replaced with anything as long as later in the code the reference
to the variable. e.g.
Dim banana as integer
banana = 5

Declaring variables is a really powerful way to reuse code and to
the amount of coding when in a loop statement (among other things).

Once I started to understand them my coding ability really started to

Glad to have been some use.



Biz How Brilliant is that Thanks going to find out how to learn to code
x..................Thanks Bob
Hi Bob,
If I am understanding correctly this should solve your problem.

"OnClick" event
Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x as string

x = me.cbOwnerName.Column(8)
me.tbStartDate = x

End Sub



My Combo Box [cbOwnerName] has a Row Source [qPayableTotalForPayment]
has 9 Columns in combo box the last Column being
[My Date]MyDate: Format([MaxOfBillDate],"d-mmm-yy")
I want to code my Button to Change the date in [tbStartDate] to the
[cbOwnerName] once selected I click Button to give that date in
Thanks for any help.........Bob

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