Hello Robbie,
The article you have gives you the code to retrieve the commandbar control
IDs, but it's a bit dull clicking the ok button for each one so I've adapted
the code to print you a list:
Sub EnumerateControls()
Dim icbc As Integer
Dim cbs As CommandBar
Dim cbcs As CommandBarControls
Set cbs = Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar")
For x = 1 To cbs.Controls.Count
Set cbcs = cbs.Controls(x).Controls
For icbc = 1 To cbcs.Count
Debug.Print cbs.Controls(x).Caption, _
cbcs(icbc).Caption, cbcs(icbc).ID
Next icbc
Next x
End Sub
I see that you say you're not a great VBA expert so here's a good chance to
have a go:
1) Create a new blank document in Visio.
2) Press alt+F11 to open the VBA editting window (VBE).
3) In the VBE click Insert / Module and paste the code above into the new
blank area on the right.
4) Press ctrl+G to display the "Immediate" window.
5) Press F5 to run the procedure and the control ID's should all be printed
to the Immediate window from where you can copy and paste into Word if that
makes it easier to read.
One point is that the above code (and in the KB article) only looks at the
first level menu items so, for example, you'll see Tools / Spelling, but not
Tools / Spelling / Spelling Options. If you need to disable these sub items
let me know which ones you're after and I can adapt the code.
Hope that helps.
Best regards
John Goldsmith