Control Index Numbers


Richard Buttrey

I have a frame containing a dozen or so check boxes.

They've been added at various times and I've probably deleted some and
added others.

In some code I count the number of controls, and in a loop with say
'x' as a loop counter, I test the tag property of the control(x). I've
been having some problem with this and I now realise that what I
believed to be say the 3rd checkbox, ( because I thought it was the
third one I'd added), is actually recognised by VBA as say the 5th
checkbox, (identified by the x counter). i.e. Controls(x)

It seems clear that in all my additions and deletions, the system
number of the control is different to what I think it is.

My question is, is there any way of re-setting the system numbers of
these controls so that they line up with the order in which they
appear in the frame?

An associated question. Is there any way of observing directly what
the control number of a particular control is? I can obviously work it
out indirectly by writing a bit of code which tells me say the Tag or
Caption associated with a particular control, but it's not immediately
apparent if the system number is a property of the control which can
be viewed - and changed (in a similar way to the way in which the Tab
property number can be changed).

Rgds and usual TIA

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

Bob Phillips

AFAIK the index of the control is determined by the order in which the
controls are added, and cannot be changed.



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Hi Richard
In general, it is better practice to rename the controls yourself and then
adress the control by its name iso by index.
another way is to create your controls at run time and record their name
in an array.

Richard Buttrey

Hi Richard
In general, it is better practice to rename the controls yourself and then
adress the control by its name iso by index.
another way is to create your controls at run time and record their name
in an array.

Thanks Jean, (and Bob earlier),

The only reason I was using the index number was that I did domething
different with the first eight listed checkboxes than with the rest. I
was using a simple Select statement assuming I could rely on the
control index number as the Select Case i.e. Case<8. I now see I can't
and will follow the advice you suggest.

Incidentally, is it possible to see a control index number directly,
or can this only be done by writing a bit of code to identify the
control name of each control index number?

Incidentally2. Are control index numbers always base zero?

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

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