Control Mouse Event in Visio 2003 How to?




I am using the HRESULT VDTC::HandleVisioEvent function (like SINK a
object in addsink.h ) to process the Visio Mouse Up Event as follows:

HRESULT VDTC::HandleVisioEvent(
/* [in] */ IUnknown *ipSink, // ipSink [assert]
/* [in] */ short nEventCode, // code of event that's firing.
/* [in] */ IDispatch *pSourceObj,// object that is firing event.
/* [in] */ long nEventID, // id of event that is firing.
/* [in] */ long nEventSeqNum, // sequence number of event.
/* [in] */ IDispatch *pSubjectObj,// subject of this event.
/* [in] */ VARIANT vMoreInfo, // other info.
/* [retval][out] */ VARIANT *pvResult)
.. . .. . .
switch (nEventCode)
case visEvtCodeMouseUp:
(???) (How to process here?)
} // end switch
} // end HandleVisioEvent

How could I know where the Mouse Up Event occurs? (that is the coordinate
(x,y), what button was click (LEFT or RIGHT button …).

I have tried to cast pSourceObj to MouseEvent but failed.

Thank you for spending time,

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