Hello Experts,
Excel can be started en controled by COM from Word or any VB program. Syntax
something like this:
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xlWs = xlWb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
xlApp.Visible = True
xlApp.UserControl = True
xlWs.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Test"
What i would like to do, is control SAP from Excel via VBA, but i don't know
how to start. However, This is possible i think, SAP has also a COM engine,
an can be connected, (if scripting is enabled).
I found on the internet a nice piece of software AutoIt. It s free and it's
a windows macro recorder like programm with lots of possibilities to do
anything you like. A user of this programm, (Sean Griffin), wrote a very
nice UDF. With this UDF we can control SAP in anyway we want. (start a
transaction, fill in requerd fields, send a ENTER, (or any other key, or a
combination of keys), and so on. Very nice, but what i am lokking for is a
similar kind of code in VBA...........
I tried Google, but didn''t find something usefull.............
AutoIt is free an kan be found here:
The UDF mentioned can be found here:
(registration might be needed to see this forum message).
Anybody done this before or has an example of how to automate SAP via
Excel??????? Anybody else who also thinks this is interesting?
Sorry for the poor english!
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Here all the code in de mentioned UDF:
#Include <Array.au3>
#Region Header
Title: SAP Automation UDF Library for AutoIt3
Filename: SAP.au3
Description: A collection of functions for creating, attaching to, reading
from and manipulating SAP
Author: seangriffin
Version: V0.4
Last Update: 01/07/09
Requirements: AutoIt3 3.2 or higher,
SAP GUI Release 6.40,
SAP GUI Scripting interface is enabled
(from the SAP GUI, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
toolbar, then "Options".
Go to the "Scripting" tab.
Select "Enable Scripting", and deselect "Notify when a script attaches
to a running GUI" and
"Notify when a script opens a connection").
Changelog: ---------24/12/08---------- v0.1
Initial release.
---------30/12/08---------- v0.2
Function _SAPAttach changed to SAPSessAttach, and added a
$sap_transaction parameter.
Function _SAPSessionCreate changed to _SAPSessCreate.
Function _SAPSendVKeys changed to _SAPVKeysSend.
Function _SAPSendVKeysUntilWinExists changed to
Function _SAPObjectSet changed to _SAPObjValueSet.
Function _SAPObjectGet changed to _SAPObjValueGet.
Function _SAPObjPropertySet added.
Function _SAPObjPropertyGet added.
Function _SAPWinClose added.
---------31/12/08---------- v0.3
Fixed return values for _SAPObjPropertyGet.
Fixed description for _SAPObjPropertyGet.
Fixed return values for _SAPObjValueGet.
Added GuiUserArea support for _SAPObjValueGet.
Added GuiMenubar support for _SAPObjSelect.
Added a wait period for the window to SAPSessAttach.
---------07/01/09---------- v0.4
Added a SAP error handler
Added GuiLabel support for _SAPObjSelect.
Function _SAPObjDeselect added.
Function _SAPErrorHandlerRegister added.
Function __SAPInternalErrorHandler added.
Function _SAPObjFindByValue added.
Changed the default value for _SAPObjValueGet.
Changed the default value for _SAPSessAttach.
#EndRegion Header
#Region Global Variables and Constants
Global Const $sap_vkey[100] = [ "Enter", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6",
"F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", _
"F11", _ ; NOTE - "F11" is the same as "CTRL+S"
"F12", _ ; NOTE - "F12" is the same as "Esc"
"Shift+F1", "Shift+F2", "Shift+F3", "Shift+F4", "Shift+F5",
"Shift+F6", "Shift+F7", "Shift+F8", "Shift+F9", _
"Shift+Ctrl+0", "Shift+F11", "Shift+F12", _
"Ctrl+F1", "Ctrl+F2", "Ctrl+F3", "Ctrl+F4", "Ctrl+F5", "Ctrl+F6",
"Ctrl+F7", "Ctrl+F8", "Ctrl+F9", "Ctrl+F10", _
"Ctrl+F11", "Ctrl+F12", _
"Ctrl+Shift+F1", "Ctrl+Shift+F2", "Ctrl+Shift+F3", "Ctrl+Shift+F4",
"Ctrl+Shift+F5", _
"Ctrl+Shift+F6", "Ctrl+Shift+F7", "Ctrl+Shift+F8", "Ctrl+Shift+F9",
"Ctrl+Shift+F10", "Ctrl+Shift+F11", _
"Ctrl+Shift+F12", _
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", _
"Ctrl+E", "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+A", "Ctrl+D", "Ctrl+N", "Ctrl+O",
"Shift+D", "Ctrl+I", "Shift+I", "Alt+B", _
"Ctrl+Page up", "Page up", "Page down", "Ctrl+Page down", "Ctrl+G",
"Ctrl+R", "Ctrl+P", _
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Shift+F10", "", "", "", "", "" ]
Global $sap_connection = -1
Global $sap_session
Global $sap_window_num
Global $sap_object_id
Global $sap_object_value
Global $_SAPErrorNotify = True
Global $oSAPErrorHandler, $sSAPUserErrorHandler
#EndRegion Global Variables and Constants
#Region Core functions
; Name...........: _SAPSessAttach()
; Description ...: Attaches to an existing session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPSessAttach($win_title, $sap_transaction = -1)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - Optional: The title of the SAP window
(within the session) to attach to.
; The window "SAP Easy Access" is used if one isn't provided.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; $sap_transaction - Optional: a SAP transaction to run after attaching
to the session.
; A "/n" will be inserted at the beginning of the transaction
; if one isn't provided.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns True.
; On Failure - Returns False, and:
; sets @ERROR = 1 if unable to find an active SAP session.
; This means the SAP GUI Scripting interface is not enabled.
; Refer to the "Requirements" section at the top of this file.
; sets @ERROR = 2 if unable to find the SAP window to attach to.
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the SAP GUI Scripting interface is
; and the SAP user is already logged in (ie. The "SAP Easy Access"
window is displayed).
; Refer to the "Requirements" section at the top of this file for
; on enabling the SAP GUI Scripting interface.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPSessAttach($win_title = "SAP Easy Access", $sap_transaction = -1)
if $sap_connection = -1 Then
$sapgui = ObjGet("SAPGUI")
$sapapp = $sapgui.GetScriptingEngine
if $sapapp.Children.Count = 0 Then
ConsoleWriteError("Unable to find an active SAP session." & @CRLF & _
"Make sure you are logged into SAP and have GUI Scripting enabled."
& @CRLF)
Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; unable to find a SAP session to attach to.
$sap_connection = $sapapp.Children(0)
; Wait 20 seconds for the window to exist (in case it is not already)
$win_wait_start = TimerInit()
while _SAPWinExists($win_title) = False
if TimerDiff($win_wait_start) > 20000 then
ConsoleWriteError("Unable to find the window with title """ & $win_title
& """ to attach to." & @CRLF)
Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; unable to find the SAP window to attach
$sess_found = False
; Check each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_sess_num = 0 to ($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
$sap_session = $sap_connection.Children($sap_sess_num)
; Check each window in each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_window_num_tmp = 0 to ($sap_session.Children.Count - 1)
if StringRegExp($sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp &
"]").Text, ".*" & $win_title & ".*") = 1 Then
$sess_found = True
if $sap_transaction <> -1 Then
if StringInStr($sap_transaction, "/n") = 0 Then
$sap_transaction = "/n" & $sap_transaction
$sap_session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = $sap_transaction
ExitLoop 2
$sap_window_num = $sap_window_num_tmp
Return $sess_found
; Name...........: _SAPSessCreate()
; Description ...: Creates a new session in SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPSessCreate($sap_transaction = -1)
; Parameters ....: $sap_transaction - Optional: a SAP transaction to run in
the new session.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPSessCreate($sap_transaction = -1)
$sap_num_sess_old = $sap_connection.Sessions.Count
while $sap_connection.Sessions.Count = $sap_num_sess_old
$sap_session = $sap_connection.Children($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
if $sap_transaction <> -1 Then
$sap_session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = $sap_transaction
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPVKeysSend()
; Description ...: Sends virtual keys to the currently attached session of
; Syntax.........: _SAPVKeysSend($vkeys)
; Parameters ....: $vkeys - A comma-seperated sequence of virtual keys to
send to the currently attached session of SAP.
; Refer to the global variable "$sap_vkey" at the top of this script
for a list of virtual keys.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
Func _SAPVKeysSend($vkeys)
$vkey = StringSplit($vkeys, ",")
$first_key_part = True
$skip_send = False
for $vkey_part in $vkey
If $first_key_part = True Then
$first_key_part = False
$vkey_id = _ArraySearch($sap_vkey, $vkey_part)
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]").sendVKey($vkey_id)
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPVKeysSendUntilWinExists()
; Description ...: Sends virtual keys to the currently attached session of
SAP until another SAP window exists
; Syntax.........: _SAPVKeysSendUntilWinExists($keys, $win_title)
; Parameters ....: $keys - The sequence of keys to repeatedly send until
the $win_title appears.
; See the function "_SAPSendVKeys" for more information.
; $win_title - The title of the SAP window to wait for.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
Func _SAPVKeysSendUntilWinExists($keys, $win_title)
while _SAPWinExists($win_title) = False
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjDeselect()
; Description ...: Deselects an object within the currently attached session
of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjDeselect($object_id)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to deselect.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the toolbar,
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiLabel
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
func _SAPObjDeselect($object_id)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; GuiCheckBox
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selected = False
; GuiLabel
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0
; If the GuiLabel is not a collapsed twistie, then select it (for a
GuiLabel twistie, this will collapse it)
if StringCompare($sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).text, "4") <> 0 Then
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).caretPosition = 1
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjSelect()
; Description ...: Selects an object within the currently attached session
of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjSelect($object_id)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to select.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the toolbar,
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiButton
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiMenubar
; GuiLabel
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjSelect($object_id)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; GuiButtons
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/btn") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).press
; GuiRadioButton
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; GuiCheckBox
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selected = True
; GuiMenubar
Case StringInStr($object_id, "mbar/") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; GuiLabel
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0
; If the GuiLabel is not an expanded twistie, then select it (for a
GuiLabel twistie, this will expand it)
if StringCompare($sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).text, "5") <> 0 Then
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).caretPosition = 1
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjValueSet()
; Description ...: Sets the value of an object within the currently attached
session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjValueSet($object_id, $sap_object_value)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to set the value
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_value - The value to set the SAP object to.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiTextField
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjValueSet($object_id, $object_value)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
$sap_object_value = $object_value
; Set the key property for GuiComboBoxes
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).key =
; Set the text property for all other Simple Visual Objects
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/ctxt") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/pwd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).text
= $object_value
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjValueGet()
; Description: Get the value of an object within the currently attached
session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjValueGet($object_id)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - Optional: The short ID of the object to get
the value of.
; The GuiUserArea ("usr") will be used if one is not provided.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the toolbar,
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the value/text of the object.
; This is a String value for all objects except GuiUserAreas,
; and a String Array for GuiUserAreas.
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiUserArea
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjValueGet($object_id = "usr")
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; Get the key property for GuiComboBoxes
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; Get the text property for all other Simple Visual Objects
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/btn") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/ctxt") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/pwd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; Get the text property for all the children of the GuiUserArea
Case StringCompare($object_id, "usr") = 0
$object_children = $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/"
& $object_id).Children
; Get the character extents for the GuiUserArea
$max_charleft = 0
$max_chartop = 0
For $object_child In $object_children
if $object_child.CharLeft > $max_charleft Then $max_charleft =
if $object_child.CharTop > $max_chartop Then $max_chartop =
; Create an output array based on the character extents of the
dim $child_text[$max_chartop+1][$max_charleft+1]
; Build the output array based on character positions of all the
For $object_child In $object_children
$child_text[$object_child.CharTop][$object_child.CharLeft] =
return $child_text
Return 0
; Name...........: _SAPObjFindByValue()
; Description: Find a SAP object based on it's value.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjFindByValue($object_id = "usr", $object_value =
"", $match_type = 0, $instance = 1, $object_offset = 0)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - Optional: The short ID of the object to
find the object within.
; The GuiUserArea ("usr") will be used if one is not provided.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_value - The value of the object to find.
; $match_type - Optional: How to match the value of the object to find.
; 0 = match on the full string value of the object
; 1 = match on a sub-string in the value of the object
; $instance - Optional: The instance to return, should there be more
than one object matched.
; The first instance will be returned if this is not provided.
; $object_offset - Optional: An offset to the object to return.
; No offset will be used if this is not provided.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the short ID of the object found.
; If an $object_offset was provided, then the short ID of the
offsetted object is returned instead.
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiUserArea
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
func _SAPObjFindByValue($object_id = "usr", $object_value = "", $match_type
= 0, $instance = 1, $object_offset = 0)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
$sap_object_value = $object_value
$object_children = $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_found = False
for $i = 1 to $object_children.Count
if $match_type = 0 And StringCompare($object_children.item($i).text,
$object_value) = 0 then $object_found = True
if $match_type = 1 And StringInStr($object_children.item($i).text,
$object_value) > 0 then $object_found = True
if $object_found = True then
$instance = $instance - 1
if $instance > 0 Then
$object_found = False
if $object_found = True then
$object_id_new = $object_children.item($i + $object_offset).id
$object_id_new = StringMid($object_id_new, StringInStr($object_id_new,
"/wnd[") + 5)
$object_id_new = StringMid($object_id_new, StringInStr($object_id_new,
"/") + 1)
return $object_id_new
Return 0
; Name...........: _SAPObjPropertySet()
; Description ...: Sets the value of an object within the currently attached
session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjPropertySet($object_id, $object_property,
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to set the
property of.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_property - The property to set.
; $object_value - The value to set the property to.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiCtrlGridView
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjPropertySet($object_id, $object_property, $object_value)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
$sap_object_value = $object_value
; Properties for all GuiComponents and GuiVComponents
Case StringCompare($object_property, "text") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).text
= $object_value
; Properties for specific components
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selected") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selected = $object_value
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "caretPosition") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).caretPosition = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "key") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).key =
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "value") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).value
= $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "opened") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).opened = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellRow") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).currentCellRow = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellColumn") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).currentCellColumn = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedColumns") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selectedColumns = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedRows") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selectedRows = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedCells") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selectedCells = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleRow") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).firstVisibleRow = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleColumn") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).firstVisibleColumn = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "columnOrder") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).columnOrder = $object_value
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjPropertyGet()
; Description: Get the value of property of an object within the currently
attached session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjPropertyGet($object_id, $object_property)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to get the
property of.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_property - The property to get.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the value of the property of the
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiCtrlGridView
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjPropertyGet($object_id, $object_property)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; Properties for all GuiComponents and GuiVComponents
Case StringCompare($object_property, "id") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "type") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "typeAsNumber") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "containerType") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "name") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "parent") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "text") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "tooltip") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "changeable") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "modified") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "iconName") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; Properties for specific components
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selected") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "maxLength") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "numerical") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "caretPosition") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "highlighted") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "required") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "entries") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "key") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "value") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "required") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "opened") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageType") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageId") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageNumber") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageParameter") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageAsPopup") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "subType") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellRow") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellColumn") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedColumns") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedRows") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedCells") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "columnCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "rowCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "frozenColumnCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleRow") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleColumn") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "columnOrder") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "toolbarButtonCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectionMode") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "visibleRowCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Return 0
; Name...........: _SAPWinExists()
; Description ...: Checks for the existance of a SAP window.
; Syntax.........: _SAPWinExists($win_title)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the SAP window to check the
existance of.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: Window exists - Returns True
; Window does not exist - Returns False
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPWinExists($win_title)
; Check each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_sess_num = 0 to ($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
$sap_sess = $sap_connection.Children($sap_sess_num)
; Check each window in each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_window_num_tmp = 0 to ($sap_sess.Children.Count - 1)
if StringRegExp($sap_sess.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp &
"]").Text, ".*" & $win_title & ".*") = 1 Then
Return True
return False
; Name...........: _SAPWinClose()
; Description ...: Closes a SAP window.
; Syntax.........: _SAPWinClose($win_title)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the SAP window to close.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPWinClose($win_title)
; Check each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_sess_num = 0 to ($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
$sap_sess = $sap_connection.Children($sap_sess_num)
; Check each window in each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_window_num_tmp = 0 to ($sap_sess.Children.Count - 1)
if StringRegExp($sap_sess.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp &
"]").Text, ".*" & $win_title & ".*") = 1 Then
$sap_sess.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp & "]").close
return True
return False
; Name...........: _SAPErrorHandlerRegister()
; Description ...: Register and enable a SAP COM error handler.
; Syntax.........: _SAPWinClose($win_title)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the SAP window to close.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
Func _SAPErrorHandlerRegister($s_functionName = "__SAPInternalErrorHandler")
$sSAPUserErrorHandler = $s_functionName
$oSAPErrorHandler = ""
$oSAPErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $s_functionName)
If IsObj($oSAPErrorHandler) Then
Return 1
SetError(0, 1)
Return 0
; Name...........: __SAPInternalErrorHandler()
; Description ...: A SAP COM error handler.
; Syntax.........: __SAPInternalErrorHandler()
; Parameters ....:
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
Func __SAPInternalErrorHandler()
$SAPComErrorScriptline = $oSAPErrorHandler.scriptline
$SAPComErrorNumber = $oSAPErrorHandler.number
$SAPComErrorNumberHex = Hex($oSAPErrorHandler.number, 8)
$SAPComErrorDescription = StringStripWS($oSAPErrorHandler.description, 2)
$SAPComErrorWinDescription =
StringStripWS($oSAPErrorHandler.WinDescription, 2)
$SAPComErrorSource = $oSAPErrorHandler.Source
$SAPComErrorHelpFile = $oSAPErrorHandler.HelpFile
$SAPComErrorHelpContext = $oSAPErrorHandler.HelpContext
$SAPComErrorLastDllError = $oSAPErrorHandler.LastDllError
$SAPComErrorOutput = ""
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "--> COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPObjectID = " & $sap_object_id & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPObjectValue = " & $sap_object_value &
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorScriptline = " &
$SAPComErrorScriptline & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorNumberHex = " &
$SAPComErrorNumberHex & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorNumber = " & $SAPComErrorNumber &
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorWinDescription = " &
$SAPComErrorWinDescription & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorDescription = " &
$SAPComErrorDescription & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorSource = " & $SAPComErrorSource &
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorHelpFile = " &
$SAPComErrorHelpFile & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorHelpContext = " &
$SAPComErrorHelpContext & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorLastDllError = " &
$SAPComErrorLastDllError & @CRLF
ConsoleWrite($SAPComErrorOutput & @CRLF)
Excel can be started en controled by COM from Word or any VB program. Syntax
something like this:
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xlWs = xlWb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
xlApp.Visible = True
xlApp.UserControl = True
xlWs.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Test"
What i would like to do, is control SAP from Excel via VBA, but i don't know
how to start. However, This is possible i think, SAP has also a COM engine,
an can be connected, (if scripting is enabled).
I found on the internet a nice piece of software AutoIt. It s free and it's
a windows macro recorder like programm with lots of possibilities to do
anything you like. A user of this programm, (Sean Griffin), wrote a very
nice UDF. With this UDF we can control SAP in anyway we want. (start a
transaction, fill in requerd fields, send a ENTER, (or any other key, or a
combination of keys), and so on. Very nice, but what i am lokking for is a
similar kind of code in VBA...........
I tried Google, but didn''t find something usefull.............
AutoIt is free an kan be found here:
The UDF mentioned can be found here:
(registration might be needed to see this forum message).
Anybody done this before or has an example of how to automate SAP via
Excel??????? Anybody else who also thinks this is interesting?
Sorry for the poor english!
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Here all the code in de mentioned UDF:
#Include <Array.au3>
#Region Header
Title: SAP Automation UDF Library for AutoIt3
Filename: SAP.au3
Description: A collection of functions for creating, attaching to, reading
from and manipulating SAP
Author: seangriffin
Version: V0.4
Last Update: 01/07/09
Requirements: AutoIt3 3.2 or higher,
SAP GUI Release 6.40,
SAP GUI Scripting interface is enabled
(from the SAP GUI, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
toolbar, then "Options".
Go to the "Scripting" tab.
Select "Enable Scripting", and deselect "Notify when a script attaches
to a running GUI" and
"Notify when a script opens a connection").
Changelog: ---------24/12/08---------- v0.1
Initial release.
---------30/12/08---------- v0.2
Function _SAPAttach changed to SAPSessAttach, and added a
$sap_transaction parameter.
Function _SAPSessionCreate changed to _SAPSessCreate.
Function _SAPSendVKeys changed to _SAPVKeysSend.
Function _SAPSendVKeysUntilWinExists changed to
Function _SAPObjectSet changed to _SAPObjValueSet.
Function _SAPObjectGet changed to _SAPObjValueGet.
Function _SAPObjPropertySet added.
Function _SAPObjPropertyGet added.
Function _SAPWinClose added.
---------31/12/08---------- v0.3
Fixed return values for _SAPObjPropertyGet.
Fixed description for _SAPObjPropertyGet.
Fixed return values for _SAPObjValueGet.
Added GuiUserArea support for _SAPObjValueGet.
Added GuiMenubar support for _SAPObjSelect.
Added a wait period for the window to SAPSessAttach.
---------07/01/09---------- v0.4
Added a SAP error handler
Added GuiLabel support for _SAPObjSelect.
Function _SAPObjDeselect added.
Function _SAPErrorHandlerRegister added.
Function __SAPInternalErrorHandler added.
Function _SAPObjFindByValue added.
Changed the default value for _SAPObjValueGet.
Changed the default value for _SAPSessAttach.
#EndRegion Header
#Region Global Variables and Constants
Global Const $sap_vkey[100] = [ "Enter", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6",
"F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", _
"F11", _ ; NOTE - "F11" is the same as "CTRL+S"
"F12", _ ; NOTE - "F12" is the same as "Esc"
"Shift+F1", "Shift+F2", "Shift+F3", "Shift+F4", "Shift+F5",
"Shift+F6", "Shift+F7", "Shift+F8", "Shift+F9", _
"Shift+Ctrl+0", "Shift+F11", "Shift+F12", _
"Ctrl+F1", "Ctrl+F2", "Ctrl+F3", "Ctrl+F4", "Ctrl+F5", "Ctrl+F6",
"Ctrl+F7", "Ctrl+F8", "Ctrl+F9", "Ctrl+F10", _
"Ctrl+F11", "Ctrl+F12", _
"Ctrl+Shift+F1", "Ctrl+Shift+F2", "Ctrl+Shift+F3", "Ctrl+Shift+F4",
"Ctrl+Shift+F5", _
"Ctrl+Shift+F6", "Ctrl+Shift+F7", "Ctrl+Shift+F8", "Ctrl+Shift+F9",
"Ctrl+Shift+F10", "Ctrl+Shift+F11", _
"Ctrl+Shift+F12", _
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", _
"Ctrl+E", "Ctrl+F", "Ctrl+A", "Ctrl+D", "Ctrl+N", "Ctrl+O",
"Shift+D", "Ctrl+I", "Shift+I", "Alt+B", _
"Ctrl+Page up", "Page up", "Page down", "Ctrl+Page down", "Ctrl+G",
"Ctrl+R", "Ctrl+P", _
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Shift+F10", "", "", "", "", "" ]
Global $sap_connection = -1
Global $sap_session
Global $sap_window_num
Global $sap_object_id
Global $sap_object_value
Global $_SAPErrorNotify = True
Global $oSAPErrorHandler, $sSAPUserErrorHandler
#EndRegion Global Variables and Constants
#Region Core functions
; Name...........: _SAPSessAttach()
; Description ...: Attaches to an existing session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPSessAttach($win_title, $sap_transaction = -1)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - Optional: The title of the SAP window
(within the session) to attach to.
; The window "SAP Easy Access" is used if one isn't provided.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; $sap_transaction - Optional: a SAP transaction to run after attaching
to the session.
; A "/n" will be inserted at the beginning of the transaction
; if one isn't provided.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns True.
; On Failure - Returns False, and:
; sets @ERROR = 1 if unable to find an active SAP session.
; This means the SAP GUI Scripting interface is not enabled.
; Refer to the "Requirements" section at the top of this file.
; sets @ERROR = 2 if unable to find the SAP window to attach to.
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the SAP GUI Scripting interface is
; and the SAP user is already logged in (ie. The "SAP Easy Access"
window is displayed).
; Refer to the "Requirements" section at the top of this file for
; on enabling the SAP GUI Scripting interface.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPSessAttach($win_title = "SAP Easy Access", $sap_transaction = -1)
if $sap_connection = -1 Then
$sapgui = ObjGet("SAPGUI")
$sapapp = $sapgui.GetScriptingEngine
if $sapapp.Children.Count = 0 Then
ConsoleWriteError("Unable to find an active SAP session." & @CRLF & _
"Make sure you are logged into SAP and have GUI Scripting enabled."
& @CRLF)
Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; unable to find a SAP session to attach to.
$sap_connection = $sapapp.Children(0)
; Wait 20 seconds for the window to exist (in case it is not already)
$win_wait_start = TimerInit()
while _SAPWinExists($win_title) = False
if TimerDiff($win_wait_start) > 20000 then
ConsoleWriteError("Unable to find the window with title """ & $win_title
& """ to attach to." & @CRLF)
Return SetError(2, 0, False) ; unable to find the SAP window to attach
$sess_found = False
; Check each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_sess_num = 0 to ($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
$sap_session = $sap_connection.Children($sap_sess_num)
; Check each window in each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_window_num_tmp = 0 to ($sap_session.Children.Count - 1)
if StringRegExp($sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp &
"]").Text, ".*" & $win_title & ".*") = 1 Then
$sess_found = True
if $sap_transaction <> -1 Then
if StringInStr($sap_transaction, "/n") = 0 Then
$sap_transaction = "/n" & $sap_transaction
$sap_session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = $sap_transaction
ExitLoop 2
$sap_window_num = $sap_window_num_tmp
Return $sess_found
; Name...........: _SAPSessCreate()
; Description ...: Creates a new session in SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPSessCreate($sap_transaction = -1)
; Parameters ....: $sap_transaction - Optional: a SAP transaction to run in
the new session.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPSessCreate($sap_transaction = -1)
$sap_num_sess_old = $sap_connection.Sessions.Count
while $sap_connection.Sessions.Count = $sap_num_sess_old
$sap_session = $sap_connection.Children($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
if $sap_transaction <> -1 Then
$sap_session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = $sap_transaction
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPVKeysSend()
; Description ...: Sends virtual keys to the currently attached session of
; Syntax.........: _SAPVKeysSend($vkeys)
; Parameters ....: $vkeys - A comma-seperated sequence of virtual keys to
send to the currently attached session of SAP.
; Refer to the global variable "$sap_vkey" at the top of this script
for a list of virtual keys.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
Func _SAPVKeysSend($vkeys)
$vkey = StringSplit($vkeys, ",")
$first_key_part = True
$skip_send = False
for $vkey_part in $vkey
If $first_key_part = True Then
$first_key_part = False
$vkey_id = _ArraySearch($sap_vkey, $vkey_part)
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]").sendVKey($vkey_id)
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPVKeysSendUntilWinExists()
; Description ...: Sends virtual keys to the currently attached session of
SAP until another SAP window exists
; Syntax.........: _SAPVKeysSendUntilWinExists($keys, $win_title)
; Parameters ....: $keys - The sequence of keys to repeatedly send until
the $win_title appears.
; See the function "_SAPSendVKeys" for more information.
; $win_title - The title of the SAP window to wait for.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
Func _SAPVKeysSendUntilWinExists($keys, $win_title)
while _SAPWinExists($win_title) = False
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjDeselect()
; Description ...: Deselects an object within the currently attached session
of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjDeselect($object_id)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to deselect.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the toolbar,
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiLabel
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
func _SAPObjDeselect($object_id)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; GuiCheckBox
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selected = False
; GuiLabel
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0
; If the GuiLabel is not a collapsed twistie, then select it (for a
GuiLabel twistie, this will collapse it)
if StringCompare($sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).text, "4") <> 0 Then
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).caretPosition = 1
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjSelect()
; Description ...: Selects an object within the currently attached session
of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjSelect($object_id)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to select.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the toolbar,
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiButton
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiMenubar
; GuiLabel
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjSelect($object_id)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; GuiButtons
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/btn") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).press
; GuiRadioButton
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; GuiCheckBox
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selected = True
; GuiMenubar
Case StringInStr($object_id, "mbar/") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; GuiLabel
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0
; If the GuiLabel is not an expanded twistie, then select it (for a
GuiLabel twistie, this will expand it)
if StringCompare($sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).text, "5") <> 0 Then
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).caretPosition = 1
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjValueSet()
; Description ...: Sets the value of an object within the currently attached
session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjValueSet($object_id, $sap_object_value)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to set the value
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_value - The value to set the SAP object to.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiTextField
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjValueSet($object_id, $object_value)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
$sap_object_value = $object_value
; Set the key property for GuiComboBoxes
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).key =
; Set the text property for all other Simple Visual Objects
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/ctxt") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/pwd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).text
= $object_value
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjValueGet()
; Description: Get the value of an object within the currently attached
session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjValueGet($object_id)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - Optional: The short ID of the object to get
the value of.
; The GuiUserArea ("usr") will be used if one is not provided.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the toolbar,
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the value/text of the object.
; This is a String value for all objects except GuiUserAreas,
; and a String Array for GuiUserAreas.
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiUserArea
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjValueGet($object_id = "usr")
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; Get the key property for GuiComboBoxes
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; Get the text property for all other Simple Visual Objects
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/btn") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/ctxt") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/pwd") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; Get the text property for all the children of the GuiUserArea
Case StringCompare($object_id, "usr") = 0
$object_children = $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/"
& $object_id).Children
; Get the character extents for the GuiUserArea
$max_charleft = 0
$max_chartop = 0
For $object_child In $object_children
if $object_child.CharLeft > $max_charleft Then $max_charleft =
if $object_child.CharTop > $max_chartop Then $max_chartop =
; Create an output array based on the character extents of the
dim $child_text[$max_chartop+1][$max_charleft+1]
; Build the output array based on character positions of all the
For $object_child In $object_children
$child_text[$object_child.CharTop][$object_child.CharLeft] =
return $child_text
Return 0
; Name...........: _SAPObjFindByValue()
; Description: Find a SAP object based on it's value.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjFindByValue($object_id = "usr", $object_value =
"", $match_type = 0, $instance = 1, $object_offset = 0)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - Optional: The short ID of the object to
find the object within.
; The GuiUserArea ("usr") will be used if one is not provided.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_value - The value of the object to find.
; $match_type - Optional: How to match the value of the object to find.
; 0 = match on the full string value of the object
; 1 = match on a sub-string in the value of the object
; $instance - Optional: The instance to return, should there be more
than one object matched.
; The first instance will be returned if this is not provided.
; $object_offset - Optional: An offset to the object to return.
; No offset will be used if this is not provided.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the short ID of the object found.
; If an $object_offset was provided, then the short ID of the
offsetted object is returned instead.
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiUserArea
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
func _SAPObjFindByValue($object_id = "usr", $object_value = "", $match_type
= 0, $instance = 1, $object_offset = 0)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
$sap_object_value = $object_value
$object_children = $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_found = False
for $i = 1 to $object_children.Count
if $match_type = 0 And StringCompare($object_children.item($i).text,
$object_value) = 0 then $object_found = True
if $match_type = 1 And StringInStr($object_children.item($i).text,
$object_value) > 0 then $object_found = True
if $object_found = True then
$instance = $instance - 1
if $instance > 0 Then
$object_found = False
if $object_found = True then
$object_id_new = $object_children.item($i + $object_offset).id
$object_id_new = StringMid($object_id_new, StringInStr($object_id_new,
"/wnd[") + 5)
$object_id_new = StringMid($object_id_new, StringInStr($object_id_new,
"/") + 1)
return $object_id_new
Return 0
; Name...........: _SAPObjPropertySet()
; Description ...: Sets the value of an object within the currently attached
session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjPropertySet($object_id, $object_property,
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to set the
property of.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_property - The property to set.
; $object_value - The value to set the property to.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiCtrlGridView
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjPropertySet($object_id, $object_property, $object_value)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
$sap_object_value = $object_value
; Properties for all GuiComponents and GuiVComponents
Case StringCompare($object_property, "text") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).text
= $object_value
; Properties for specific components
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selected") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selected = $object_value
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "caretPosition") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).caretPosition = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "key") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).key =
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "value") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" & $object_id).value
= $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "opened") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).opened = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellRow") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).currentCellRow = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellColumn") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).currentCellColumn = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedColumns") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selectedColumns = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedRows") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selectedRows = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedCells") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).selectedCells = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleRow") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).firstVisibleRow = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleColumn") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).firstVisibleColumn = $object_value
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "columnOrder") = 0
$sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
$object_id).columnOrder = $object_value
Return 1
; Name...........: _SAPObjPropertyGet()
; Description: Get the value of property of an object within the currently
attached session of SAP.
; Syntax.........: _SAPObjPropertyGet($object_id, $object_property)
; Parameters ....: $object_id - The short ID of the object to get the
property of.
; An object's ID is determined using the SAP Scripting Wizard.
; In SAP, select the "Customize Local Layout" button on the
; then "Script Development Tools". Select "Do a hit test on the
; Move your mouse to the object you want the ID of.
; Click "Copy Id" in the Scripting Wizard.
; Paste this ID into this variable in your script, then remove all
; upto and including "wnd[n]/".
; $object_property - The property to get.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the value of the property of the
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; This function currently supports the following SAP objects:
; GuiComboBox
; GuiButton
; GuiCheckBox
; GuiCTextField
; GuiLabel
; GuiOkCodeField
; GuiPasswordField
; GuiRadioButton
; GuiStatusBar
; GuiTextField
; GuiCtrlGridView
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPObjPropertyGet($object_id, $object_property)
$sap_object_id = $object_id
; Properties for all GuiComponents and GuiVComponents
Case StringCompare($object_property, "id") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "type") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "typeAsNumber") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "containerType") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "name") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "parent") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "text") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "tooltip") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "changeable") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "modified") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringCompare($object_property, "iconName") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
; Properties for specific components
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/rad") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/chk") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selected") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "maxLength") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "numerical") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "caretPosition") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case (StringInStr($object_id, "/lbl") > 0 Or _
StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0) And _
StringCompare($object_property, "highlighted") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/txt") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "required") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "entries") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "key") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "value") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cmb") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "required") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/okcd") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "opened") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageType") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageId") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageNumber") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageParameter") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/sbar") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "messageAsPopup") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "subType") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellRow") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "currentCellColumn") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedColumns") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedRows") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectedCells") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "columnCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "rowCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "frozenColumnCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleRow") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "firstVisibleColumn") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "columnOrder") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "toolbarButtonCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "selectionMode") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Case StringInStr($object_id, "/cntlGRID") > 0 And _
StringCompare($object_property, "visibleRowCount") = 0
return $sap_session.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num & "]/" &
Return 0
; Name...........: _SAPWinExists()
; Description ...: Checks for the existance of a SAP window.
; Syntax.........: _SAPWinExists($win_title)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the SAP window to check the
existance of.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: Window exists - Returns True
; Window does not exist - Returns False
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPWinExists($win_title)
; Check each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_sess_num = 0 to ($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
$sap_sess = $sap_connection.Children($sap_sess_num)
; Check each window in each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_window_num_tmp = 0 to ($sap_sess.Children.Count - 1)
if StringRegExp($sap_sess.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp &
"]").Text, ".*" & $win_title & ".*") = 1 Then
Return True
return False
; Name...........: _SAPWinClose()
; Description ...: Closes a SAP window.
; Syntax.........: _SAPWinClose($win_title)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the SAP window to close.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: Yes
func _SAPWinClose($win_title)
; Check each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_sess_num = 0 to ($sap_connection.Sessions.Count - 1)
$sap_sess = $sap_connection.Children($sap_sess_num)
; Check each window in each session for the $sap_title
for $sap_window_num_tmp = 0 to ($sap_sess.Children.Count - 1)
if StringRegExp($sap_sess.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp &
"]").Text, ".*" & $win_title & ".*") = 1 Then
$sap_sess.findById("wnd[" & $sap_window_num_tmp & "]").close
return True
return False
; Name...........: _SAPErrorHandlerRegister()
; Description ...: Register and enable a SAP COM error handler.
; Syntax.........: _SAPWinClose($win_title)
; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the SAP window to close.
; This may be a substring of the full window title.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: A prerequisite is that the function "_SAPSessAttach" has
already been executed.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
Func _SAPErrorHandlerRegister($s_functionName = "__SAPInternalErrorHandler")
$sSAPUserErrorHandler = $s_functionName
$oSAPErrorHandler = ""
$oSAPErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $s_functionName)
If IsObj($oSAPErrorHandler) Then
Return 1
SetError(0, 1)
Return 0
; Name...........: __SAPInternalErrorHandler()
; Description ...: A SAP COM error handler.
; Syntax.........: __SAPInternalErrorHandler()
; Parameters ....:
; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1
; On Failure - Returns 0
; Author ........: seangriffin
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
Func __SAPInternalErrorHandler()
$SAPComErrorScriptline = $oSAPErrorHandler.scriptline
$SAPComErrorNumber = $oSAPErrorHandler.number
$SAPComErrorNumberHex = Hex($oSAPErrorHandler.number, 8)
$SAPComErrorDescription = StringStripWS($oSAPErrorHandler.description, 2)
$SAPComErrorWinDescription =
StringStripWS($oSAPErrorHandler.WinDescription, 2)
$SAPComErrorSource = $oSAPErrorHandler.Source
$SAPComErrorHelpFile = $oSAPErrorHandler.HelpFile
$SAPComErrorHelpContext = $oSAPErrorHandler.HelpContext
$SAPComErrorLastDllError = $oSAPErrorHandler.LastDllError
$SAPComErrorOutput = ""
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "--> COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPObjectID = " & $sap_object_id & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPObjectValue = " & $sap_object_value &
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorScriptline = " &
$SAPComErrorScriptline & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorNumberHex = " &
$SAPComErrorNumberHex & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorNumber = " & $SAPComErrorNumber &
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorWinDescription = " &
$SAPComErrorWinDescription & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorDescription = " &
$SAPComErrorDescription & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorSource = " & $SAPComErrorSource &
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorHelpFile = " &
$SAPComErrorHelpFile & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorHelpContext = " &
$SAPComErrorHelpContext & @CRLF
$SAPComErrorOutput &= "----> $SAPComErrorLastDllError = " &
$SAPComErrorLastDllError & @CRLF
ConsoleWrite($SAPComErrorOutput & @CRLF)