I'm having trouble with my text box sizing. I can enter any number of
characters; however, the control won't automatically size to fit the text.
For example, an email address is "cut off" by the text box--I can type it,
but I can't see it in the printed version.
Ultimately, I'd like the text box to automatically resize to fit the text
I've entered. (This is actually a form letter...so, I don't want a lot of
extra space betweenteh letter text and the controls.) The "auto" selection
on the control size isn't giving me the result I'm after.
Any ideas?
characters; however, the control won't automatically size to fit the text.
For example, an email address is "cut off" by the text box--I can type it,
but I can't see it in the printed version.
Ultimately, I'd like the text box to automatically resize to fit the text
I've entered. (This is actually a form letter...so, I don't want a lot of
extra space betweenteh letter text and the controls.) The "auto" selection
on the control size isn't giving me the result I'm after.
Any ideas?