Control ToolBox OptionButtons?



Excel2003 ... I know nothing regarding Code (Zero, Nada, Zilche) ... Now that
I have that out of the way ...

I have a WorkSheet from another that has Control Box Option Buttons (42 of
them) in Range (B5:H11 ... with exception of Row 10) ... In Design Mode
"Properties" each Button is linked to a Cell:

Button1 ... B32
Button2 ... C32
Button3 ... D32
Button4 ... E32
Button5 ... F32
Button6 ... G32
Button7 ... H32

Buttons8 thru 14 linked to Row 34 (as above)
Buttons15 thru 21 linked to Row 36 (as above)
Buttons22 thru 28 linked to Row 38 (as above)
Buttons29 thru 35 linked to Row 40 (as above)
Buttons36 thru 42 linked to Row 42 (as above)

Issues is ... when I select any Button (TRUE) all other Buttons in the Range
B5:H11 go FALSE ... What I want is:

Select Button in Row 5 (TRUE) ... Remaining Row 5 Buttons (FALSE)
Select Button in Row 6 (TRUE) ... Remaining Row 6 Buttons (FALSE)
Select Button in Row 7 (TRUE) ... Remaining Row 7 Buttons (FALSE)

Etc ...

Please ... I know the short-coming here is on my part ... so I am hoping one
of you Wizards on this board can tell me how I reset the RANGE that these
OptionButtons appear to be looking at ... Thanks ... Kha

Bob Phillips

The buttons have a group property that you can use to group them. Right
click the buttons, select Properties, and set the group on a per row basis.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Bob ... (Happy afternoon)

Under "Properties" I have a Field titled ... "GroupName"

This Field now contains the WorkSheet Name ... Is this where I need to put
my Range (B5:H5) ... or is there some other nomenclature I need to place
here? ...

Thanks for supporting this board ... Kha

Bob Phillips

Yes, that is it. By default they all take the sheet name, that is why they
all react to the change, but you can change it whatever you like, such as
grpRow5, etc.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Dave Peterson

Bob meant .groupname (just a typo).

And yep, this is what you change. But you want to give each set of
optionbuttons the same groupname. It's not a range though. But you could use
something like that in your .groupnames.

(for the group in row 34.)

Choosing something mnemonically significant may make it easier to remember what
you did:


Anything that makes sense for you.


Bob/Dave ... (Good morning)

Thanks for sticking with this hack ... :)

If my OptionButtons are in Range B5:H11 ... And I want the OptionButtons to
impact Range B5:H5 only ... then I understand going to "Properties" & giving
the Range a "Row" name ... "GrpRow5" or something indicating the "Row
number" if I should not enter the Range (B5:H5) in the GroupName.

However, if I just pull a name out of the sky to put in GroupName then I do
understand how Excel knows what Range I want impacted ... And how would I do
this if I wanted "Columns" impacted instead of "Rows"?

Again, my Thanks for your patience & guidance ... Kha

Dave Peterson

You right click on each of the optionbuttons that should be grouped and give
each of those the same groupname.

If you have 6 rows with 7 optionbuttons each, then you'll be rightclicking 42

Each option button in row 5 will have one groupname (all the same)
Each option button in row 6 will have a different groupname (all the same)


Dave ... (Happy morning)

Ok ... I have it ... Excel will act on all OptionButtons with the "Same"
GroupName (regardless of where they are located) ... I do have it ...
Correct? ... Thanks ... Kha

Dave Peterson

By George, I think you've got it!
Dave ... (Happy morning)

Ok ... I have it ... Excel will act on all OptionButtons with the "Same"
GroupName (regardless of where they are located) ... I do have it ...
Correct? ... Thanks ... Kha

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