I use the code: <asp:BoundColumn DataField="EFF_END_DT"
SortExpression="EFF_END_DT" HeaderText="Effective End"
<ItemStyle ForeColor= '<% # MyColor(
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EFF_END_DT"))%>'></ItemStyle>
to have red date is it is over and blue if not!
But I get an error:
Compiler Error Message: BC30676: 'DataBinding' is not an event of
how can I resolve this?
SortExpression="EFF_END_DT" HeaderText="Effective End"
<ItemStyle ForeColor= '<% # MyColor(
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EFF_END_DT"))%>'></ItemStyle>
to have red date is it is over and blue if not!
But I get an error:
Compiler Error Message: BC30676: 'DataBinding' is not an event of
how can I resolve this?