Controling overallocation



If a team member is involved in various plans, is it possible to control its
overallocation on Project Professional 2007 (using, for eemple the resource
sheet)? I need that PM's can see their team allocation to other projects,
without going to the Resource Center at PWA, wich is not very friendly when
you want to look at a team.


Jonathan Sofer

By default, the options to show resources allocations across projects is
enabled in Project Pro. When the PM goes to the Resource Usage view they
will see all the scheduled work they have schedule on the open project(s)
and will also show total hours that resource is currently scheduled in
grouped section called "Other projects and commitments". This will show up
alphabetically in the mix of the resource's current project task.

Be forewarned that in 2007, if you are using My Timesheets, you will also be
shown each timesheet the resource has created as a separate line item in
this "Other projects and commitments" section.

Also, this feature has not been very stable and accurate in my experience in


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