Controling Record of DAP



Im posting this as a solution to a question I had previously asked
Say you have a DAP that has multiple levels of records such as a list of
items under a given PO. I had alot of trouble select which PO the page would
veiw without a server filter. The AbsolutePosition fails because the pagesize
of the page I was coming from was different than my PO page
First, I used a cookie from the page I was coming from to store the PO
number from a text box.
Then I compared the value of the cookie to the value of the purchase order
ID text box in my page and moved foward in the recordset until they were equal

<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=DataPageComplete(e) for=MSODSC>
dim test
Do until test=PurchaseOrderID1.value
If (abs(test) > abs(PurchaseOrderID1.value)) then
end IF

Hope this helps

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