Controlling size of new hyperlinked window



In Pub 2002, I'm trying to hyperlink text to open a new
window with a single image in it, and I want to control
the size of the new window. I've read your "new windows"
articles, but they seem to deal with controlling the
window size when hyperlinking with HTML code. Can I
hyperlink from text (e.g., from the middle of a paragraph)
to a new window and still control the window size?


OK. I'm now using the JavaScript method, but am having
trouble getting the *.htm file to appear in the new
window. The new window opens as it should, but I get
a "404 Not Found" message in it. I created the file that I
want to appear in the new window with Pub 2002 and then
exported it to my server. The file is there (I can see it
on the server). Do I need to include the full http://
address of the file (as opposed to just the file name) in
the JavaScript?
-----Original Message-----
the article covers

David Bartosik - MS MVP

The 404 means the web page file isn't at the url you said it would be.
No you do not need to include the http since it's on your site.
If you are sure the page is loaded then you most likely mis-spelled the file
name - i.e. file is "mywebpage.htm" but link is written "mywepage.html" OR
you have a file path and did not include it - i.e. you loaded the page to
/mysubfolder/ which means the link would be "mysubfolder/mywebpage.htm" but
you left that off the link and only wrote it as "mywebpage.htm".

David Bartosik - MS MVP
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