Are these scheduled dates being developed for future tasks by other people
using whatever methodology they use or are you referring to getting reports
about the tasks and the dates they were worked after the task has begun or
been completely worked? I find it strange that you are generating the
schedules yet "do not own the dates" - that really seems to be defeating the
purpose of generating the schedule in the first place and an extremely
uncomfortable place for a project manager to find himself - responsible for
bringing the project in on-time and within-budget yet unable to control the
only variables that allow him to do that. The resources should not be
telling you when they want to or will work on something, you need to be the
one that tells them when they NEED to be working on it so that you can bring
the overall program in on time. That's not to say you don't coordinate with
them and solicit input from them, far from it, but the job of a manager is,
well, to manage - exercise tactical control to achieve the firm's strategic
objectives. That means you set the direction and either make or at least
influence, coordinating with the project sponsor and the resource's
managers, the decisions as to how the resources are to be deployed.
Steve House
MS Project MVP
chris said:
I wrote the orginal question and the reason for the question was that I am
generating schedules for many projects but I do not own the actually dates.
I have to go to many people to gather the dates, dependencies etc. Since the
reality is that the schedule is really being done in parallel with the
design (we do not have a schedule and then start the work) there are actual
dates that are occurring now. So if I use the project start date or the
current date as the schedule is being developed then others may interprete
those as the real dates (that they think are not accurately reflecting their
schedule or can be misinterpreted as a delivery into them which is not
real). Since many people are going to be looking at the schedule as it is
being developed, I wanted a way to very obviously indicated that I have not
gotten all the input from everyone so there are dates and dependency
relationships that have not been established yet. Eventually it will all
come together and the start dates will be accurately reflected. Also its a
good indication as the schedule is being developed that something was not
linked properly since there is a N/A or no date or a really strange date.