Controlling Transparency of an Object



This sounds like a simple task: Insert a rectangle, filled with Color, set
Tranparency to, say, 15%. I want to do this so that I can get that great
effect of overlapping two semi-transparent bars...

I insert an object (like an AutoShape), select a Fill Color, but cannot
adjust the Transparency because that option is unavailable (the option & the
slider are faded-out, so I can't change).

Any thoughts??


Ed Bennett

Joe_Amateur said:
I insert an object (like an AutoShape), select a Fill Color, but
cannot adjust the Transparency because that option is unavailable
(the option & the slider are faded-out, so I can't change).

Do you have your publication set up in a non-RGB colour space?


In fact, I do.

I have it set to Process Color (CMYK) because the newsletter will be printed
by a commercial printer and from what I read, I understand that RBG is
appropriate for desktop publishing/printing, while Process Color was more
appropriate for commercial printing.

As my name implies, I'm learning all about color & commercial printing as I
go along here...


Ed, thank you. Your fix was just what the doctor ordered.
Now, I'll head-over to the Commercial Printing board and see if I can
figure-out how to achieve Transparency w/Publisher in a format that our
commercial printer can deal with...


Joe_Amateur said:
Ed, thank you. Your fix was just what the doctor ordered.
Now, I'll head-over to the Commercial Printing board and see if I can
figure-out how to achieve Transparency w/Publisher in a format that our
commercial printer can deal with...

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