Controlling Visio connection routing programmatically



Hello Al
I currently use Visio as an interactive tool with Access. We generate drawing
from data in a database and the shapes are placed at locations previously set by the
user and stored in the database. Each shape is programmatically connected to its
Parent and/or Child by a uniquely named dynamic connector based on the database data

The problem is that the Auto Route of Visio is not always the most pleasing nor repeatable
When we save all the shape locations we are also saving the Geometry1 Section coordinate
to the database. When the drawing is regenerated the shapes are dropped and the connection
are created. Then the program attempts to modify the Geomety1 Section data to the save
sets of coordinates for the appropriate connection. It appears that the code is working bu
the result is the connection disappears. Not the desired affect!

Anyone with thoughts of how to reload the routing coordinates back to the shapesheet



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