OK, I really didn't know how to shorten this down into a meaningful subject
line. Here's my problem:
I developed a program in Excel 2003 using VBA. The users click buttons to
access the program, depending on their need. When my employer upgraded to
2007, I tested the program and it worked fine. Now, there's been a request
for added functionality - a new button.
I have found the Developer tab and I am in design mode. There are two sets
of controls: Form and ActiveX. I believe, through my copious reading, that I
will need the ActiveX button. The ActiveX controls are greyed out, and I
cannot figure out why. Is it because of the already present buttons? Will I
have to remove them?
line. Here's my problem:
I developed a program in Excel 2003 using VBA. The users click buttons to
access the program, depending on their need. When my employer upgraded to
2007, I tested the program and it worked fine. Now, there's been a request
for added functionality - a new button.
I have found the Developer tab and I am in design mode. There are two sets
of controls: Form and ActiveX. I believe, through my copious reading, that I
will need the ActiveX button. The ActiveX controls are greyed out, and I
cannot figure out why. Is it because of the already present buttons? Will I
have to remove them?