ControlSource, textbox, and combobox


Aaron S.

I have a combobox named "WorkOrder" bound to one column and the other I have set to be displayed in a textbox named "AircraftDescription". Using this code "=WorkOrder.Column(1)" in the textbox controlsource. When i pick the workorder number it shows up in the combo box and the corresponding description is displayed in the textbox. But now when I go to the Table the description was not entered but the combo was. Am I doing something wrong?

Bruce M. Thompson

I have a combobox named "WorkOrder" bound to one column and the other I have
set to be displayed in a textbox named "AircraftDescription". Using this code
"=WorkOrder.Column(1)" in the textbox controlsource. When i pick the workorder
number it shows up in the combo box and the corresponding description is
displayed in the textbox. But now when I go to the Table the description was not
entered but the combo was. Am I doing something wrong?

No. The fact that you can display the value without storing it in a field
demonstrates that the values *need not be stored*. Good database design promotes
an approach that avoids duplication of data - if the value can be looked up or
calculated using data that is already stored, don't store the resulting value -
just look it up or calculate it everywhere that you need to display or use it.
That way it will always be up-to-date.

Aaron S.

I have a combo listing two columns of data queryed from a table. Now how would I seperate them and include the two "Item Number" and Aircraft Description" and add them to their seperate fields in the table.

Aaron S.

Nevermind I figured it out. I put this in the after update event "Me.AircraftDescription = Me.txtAircraftDescription" what i did worng is I have the table and the textbox's name set to AircraftDescription

Bruce M. Thompson

Nevermind I figured it out. I put this in the after update event
"Me.AircraftDescription = Me.txtAircraftDescription" what i did worng is I have
the table and the textbox's name set to AircraftDescription

I repeat - redundant data is bad.
I repeat - redundant data is bad.

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