ControlTip Text Not Showing


Jack Cannon

I have an Access application installed on four client machines running under
XP. A few of the controls have ControlTip Text designated for the control.
The text appears as it should for two of the machines but does not appear at
all for the other two machines. The only distinction between the machines is
desktops versus laptops. Can anyone suggest any areas of interest that might
be causing this problem? I have already checked: Desktop, Properties,
Appearance, Advanced, Tooltip for the possibility of the font color being the
same as the background color but that is not the problem area.


Jack, open the form in design mode, select the offending control and click
on 'bring to front'. (Sorry I can't be more specific on how, but I'm using
AC07 with the *&^%% ribbon). Since it's working on 2 machines, I have to
assume that the FE is not always maintained on one machine and then copied
to the rest.
Another good reason to split the database. It would allow you to modify the
code, forms and reports on one machine. Then the FE could be copied to all
the other machines without touching the BE, which contains the data.

HTH, UpRider

Jack Cannon

Thanks UpRider,

I should have mentioned in my original post. The application is written in
AC 2002. The database is split. The offending controls are "brought to
front". There are no rectangles on the forms. And all machines are
maintained with the current version.

This just might remain a mystery.

Jack Cannon

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