ControlTip Text not showing



In Access 2002, I have set the "ControlTip Text" property
of a bunch of text boxes, list boxes and command buttons
on a form and have noticed that these controls do not
display their Tool Tip unless I actually move into them or
set focus to them. It doesn't matter how long I keep the
mouse over these controls, the ToolTip will not display.
This strange behavior for each is outlined below:

1) ListBoxes - no problem showing when mouse is dragged
over regardless of where the Focus is currently on the
2) Command Buttons - does not show ToolTip until I have
either clicked the button or set focus to it.
3) Text Boxes - does not show ToolTip until I have moved
into it or set focus to it.

Has anyone seen this or can explain to me what I need to
do to get this fixed so that the ToolTip will show
regardless of what control has the focus (my list boxes
seem to work perfectly fine).


Alright...after playing around a bit, I was able to get
the ControlTip (ToolTip) working for all my controls
except one.

The solution was:

On my form I had placed a Rectangle around all my controls
to make a nice framed look. It was this rectangle control
that was causing the ToolTip to not display. When I
selected my Rectangle and used the "Format/Send to Back"
method, all my ToolTips worked for all my controls except
one. The one that I cannot get to display it's ToolTip,
is a combo box that is within (dropped onto) an Option
Group control. To get this combo box into this Option
Group control (with 2 option buttons), I had expanded the
Frame of this control to be large enough to accomodate a
combo box. It is this combo box that I cannot get the
ToolTip text to work, even if I apply the "Send to Back"
method to my Option Group control. I even tried selecting
the ComboBox and apply the "Format/Bring to Front" method,
but that did not seem to work either.

Anyone have any ideas?

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