conversion 97 to 2k problems



We recently converted a database to 2k we have had some
problems which i think come from it being secured
improperly, i.e. can't access using the secured.mdw
workgroup. What would be the best way to fix it? I tried
to alter the shortcut path to look for the work group
secured.mdw and that did not work. Can I strip away the
security in 97 convert it and then re-secure it? Or can I
just delete the old workgroup and make a new one? I am
not an access pro and this project was tossed to me when
noone else wanted anything to do w/ it. Any
advice/comments would be welcome



I used this and as many variations of it as i could think
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" "<J:/Job/JOBS.mdb>"

---Original Message-----

Joan Wild

Your target should be
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" "J:/Job/JOBS.mdb"
/wrkgrp "J:/Job/secured.mdw"

No brackets.


Thanks! Is this a reliable solution to use? we have many
-----Original Message-----
Your target should be
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" "J:/Job/JOBS.mdb"

Joan Wild

Sure. Just give each user a copy of the shortcut. You should also split
the database for multiple users.

Put a copy of the frontend on each user's computer; put the backend on the
server. Link the frontend to the backend. Put the mdw on the server in the
same folder as the backend. You can also use UNC pathnames instead of
counting on users' computers to have the correct mapping to J. You'd modify
the shortcut to look like:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" "c:\somelocal
path\JOBS.mdb" /wrkgrp "\\servername\sharename\secured.mdw"

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