Conversion from Beta 2007



Initially I had Microsoft Office Basic Edition 2003 installed on my computer,
I then participated in the BETA 2007 Office suite, which meant at the time
uninstalling my Basic Edition 2003 office suite, and reinstalling the BETA
version. I now have two options since the BETA version support ends: 1) to
revert back to the Basic Edition I have or 2) to get a Office 2007 suite (say
Standard Edition). My questions are a) If I uninstall the current BETA Office
2007 (which is required), will all my Outlook files and other document files
be preserved and be automatically referenced when I install either of the
aforementioned versions. The second question is, if I decide to go with an
upgrade version (cheaper) would I need to reinstall my Office Basic Edition
2003 first so that the upgrade works?

Any help with these questions would be appreciated.

Gyorgy Moldova [MVP]

#2: no, inserting the disc should be enough

#1: If you upgrade, settings should be preserved even if you uninstall the
beta first.



Hi Tim,
You sound knowledgeable about the 2003 and 2007 Office Suites. When I bought
my laptop I got 2003 Office already installed. Then, in anticipation of
working from home I bought and installed Office Professional 2007. I'm
taking an online course that requires 2003. I had to re-purchase 2003, but
don't know how to install 2003 without de-installing 2007. If I de-install
2007 will it screw up data or my computer? Is there a safe way to install
2003 in a different directory so I can run both on the same computer?

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