Conversion from HTML to RTF does not work properly.


Rob van Albada

When I converted a 5.5 MB dictionary (all in Latin charecters, using
Times and Symbol fonts) to RFT for publishing, the following happened:

(1) all the end-of entry markers CHR(183) (Greek full stop)

(2) combinations of accented letters (é, è etc.) with the following
(or preceding) letter were changed into Chinese characters.

Please, how can I prevent these changes to happen?


kind regards,

Rob van Albada, Amsterdam.

Rob van Albada

Oh, Office52 and OpenOffice show the text correctly (with the Greek
stops and without the Chinese characters). Hence the file itself is
not damaged.
Unfortunately they show only the first 14 respectively 21 pages of
this very large document (over 700 A4 pages in small print).

Kind regards,

Rob van Albada.

Rob van Albada

Hi Noel,

I did not find the word 'Encoding' anywhere in the RTF file.
When I looked for 1252 I found:

<meta-http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

That was about all I could do, because I am not familiar at all with
Visual Basic.
I have never used Basic on a PC, only a little Pascal, very little C
and lots of Modula-2.

Anyway, as by magic, the problem seems to have disappeared. A few days
ago, I removed all support for Japanese, Korean and Chinese without
result. (Yes, I did reboot!)
Today, the computer suddenly remembered that it is not allowed to use
these languages, and everything was normal again.
Can't think of any reason why. It really baffles me.

Well, anyway I now can get on with the job without sleepless

Thanks for you advice, happy holidays,

Rob van Albada, Amsterdam.