Conversion of 2.0 database to 2002? 2003?



We have 10 people working out of a back-end 2.0 database (front-end is 2000).
Over the years I've resisted converting the 2.0 database as I've been told
that 2.0 was faster. Now I'm thinking I really should get this done, but
don't want to affect the speed. Which version should I go to? There is
nothing very "fancy" about the tables, forms, reports, etc. I've always just
used macros - no vb coding. Also, should I do the conversion in "steps" (2.0
to 97, then to 2000, etc.) or just go straight from 2.0 to whichever version
is decided? My biggest fear is losing the autonumber fields....
Thanks ahead for any information.

Allen Browne

Microsoft has an Access 2.0 Converter for Access 2003 at:

You will not lose the data in the AutoNumber fields, but you may find that
after the upgrate the autonumbers act weird (e.g. assigning wild numbers or
negatives.) If you do strike this, you can use the code in this article to
fix it:
Fixing AutoNumbers when Access assigns negatives or duplicates

In any case, you do not lose the A2.0 file. The converted file has a new
name, so there is no risk involved.

You may also need to sort out your references after conversion:

More info on converting to A2003:


THank you Allen. So, are you saying that I can do this in one jump? What
about if I wanted to convert to 2000 or 2002? (not everyone is currently on
Thanks ahead.

Allen Browne

By default, Access 2003 creates new files in the 2000 format, so that should
be no problem.

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