

Chris Mills

Microsoft Access, F1(Help), type in "Euro".
(seems to return Euro symbols)

Microsoft Access, VBA code module, F1(Help), type in "Euro"
(EuroConvert Function)

It seems to me amazing that in-built Access handles ANY type of currency
(presumably the Euro is fixed to other European currencies, unlike "the real

P.S. What $?

John Nurick

To convert between € (euro/EUR) and $ (dollars/USD) you need to find the
appropriate exchange rate (e.g. financial page of newspaper or After that it's just a matter of arithmetic.

The EuroConvert() function is for use in the transition between national
currencies and the euro. During the transition period, the exchange rate
and algorithm for conversion between each national currency (e.g. the
French franc FRF) and the euro were fixed by law.

Since there are now no currencies undergoing transition, EuroConvert()
is now of mainly historical interest. If in future more EU member states
join the single currency, Microsoft will need to update EuroConvert() to
make it useful again.

Chris Mills

Since there are now no currencies undergoing transition, EuroConvert()
is now of mainly historical interest.

Probably right, John, and certainly any conversion within MS-Access must
involve fixed parameters "legislation".

I did note, as a minor point, that those "damn Brits" (and everyone else
European) continues to advertise (on the internet) in their well-loved local
"pounds" or "liras" or whatever.

Maybe that's like you yanks should have converted to metric screws a long time
ago <GUFFAW>

You made a very good point (at least as I saw it). Maybe it's possible to
auto-download some exchange rate from some site, since obviously most vary
daily. I've never had reason, but clearly that would be the way to go -
automate exchange rates by some download!


PS When I look at prices, I still think of pounds (for UK, say). I STILL have
not the foggiest notion what a Euro actually weighs. Of course, neither am I
in Europe. Of course, I am also old and set in my "units"! But I CAN handle
inches simultaneous with millimeter threads, until you yanks tow-the-line that
is <g>

Chris Mills

The UK has not adopted the Euro,

You're kidding me, Brendan?
No, you wouldn't make "Irish jokes".
but you should not, as far as I know, be
seeing prices advertised in Lira

Lira was just "filling". I referred mainly to "Pounds" coz I have visited UK
several times, and have a vague heritage there (grandma, I also lived in
London for 2yrs)(also toured Ireland Nth & Sth). Well, not in the last 20
years except via internet.

So. Where is Ireland in all this? I thought they were part of the Euro, Potato
Famine notwithstanding.

I DO take an interest, Brendan, I see from your posted URL that Ireland is
listed in the Euro and UK is not. Not being in or especially associated with
Europe, clearly I can learn a lot, Thanks!

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