Convert a faxcoversheet from DK->GB



I’m using MS Office XP 2003 in a Danish version. When I send a fax from Word
I use the FaxWizard. My problem is that this wizard only contains 4 pc.Danish
faxcoversheets to choose from.
I would like to translate my existing faxcoversheets into English or install
some additional ones written in English to use when sending faxes out of the
Can anybody help me?



I tried these templates, but they do not work with the FaxWizard

"Doug Robbins" skrev:

Peter Jamieson

These cover pages are .cov pages, not Office documents. You can edit them in
the Fax Cover Page editor. I would send you a set of the English language
ones supplied in Windows XP but I am not sure I am legally allowed to do

In Windows XP and later you will not find the .cov files on the disk - they
should be in compressed form on the CD or perhaps in a c:\i386 folder on
your system - look for the names you see in the Fax Wizard - e.g. in English
they are generic.co_, fyi.co_, urgent.co_ and confident.co_ (for
"confidential"). To extract those, you could create a folder c:\cov and use
Start|Run or a COmmand box to to

EXPAND c:\i386\generic.co_ c:\cov

Then open the .cov file in Windows Explorer and edit the cover file.

Peter Jamieson

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